twenty - five

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~Isaiah POV

"Dre I told you not to bring him here." My auntie said as me and Dre walked into her hospital room. "He ain't give me much of a choice mama."

"Why you ain't tell me you was in the hospital auntie?" I asked. "Because I didn't need you here worrying about me." She said. "But you needed my money though right?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't ask you for no money." She said. "That's not what your son had to say."

"I told him not to get you involved. Now Dre is going to take you back home." She said. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong with you and why you need money." I said. "I have cardiomyopathy." She said.

"It's a-" I cut Dre off. "A heart muscle disease. I know, my granddad died from it." I said. "It's hereditary. That's why she has it." I sighed. "The doctors told me I could get a bypass surgery and a heart transplant but that shit is expensive Zay. The bypass surgery is almost forty grand. And don't get me started on the heart transplant. Without the surgery I could live for another one to five years." She said.

"So I'm just supposed to let you die? I can get you the money Auntie."

"This is why I didn't want Dre to tell you. Now all your focus is going to be on me and you'll lose focus on what's important." She said. "What the fuck is more important than you!" I yelled. "Dre. Take Isaiah home." She said. "Are you serious Auntie?"

"Don't worry about me. I'm almost sixty years old. I done lived my life. You go back and do what you're supposed to." She said. "Fine." I got up walking back to the car. "I don't want it to seem like I'm using you for money. You can see why I need it." Dre said

"Take me back to ring."


"Take me back to the fucking ring Dre."


We pulled up to ring getting out. "The ring is closed!" A man yelled. "You in charge here?" I asked. "Depends on who's asking." He said turning around. "I know you." He said making me raise a brow. "You're one of Raymond's boys." He said. "You knew Raymond?" I asked. "He was like a brother to me. We used to run the streets together when we were younger. Started the fight clubs together. " He said. "So then you know why I'm here." I said making him raise a brow.

"I need money. Fast."

"What am I supposed to do with that information?" He asked. "I need to fight. I hear your boys be making bank and walk away with all the money every time. I need that." I said. "I don't just let anybody come into my ring to fight. You'll have to prove yourself if you want to run with me." He said. "Okay fine. What do I have to do to prove myself?"


"Okay. Who do I need to fight?" I asked. "Him." He said pointing. I turned around seeing him pointing at Dre. "I cant fight him." I said. "Why not?" The guy asked. "Because that's my cousin."

"I don't care if that was your brother. Kin don't matter. Either fight him, or find your way out my spot." He said. "We'll be ready in ten minutes." Dre said chiming in. "Good." The guy walked away leaving me and Dre in the room alone.

"I'm not fighting you Dre."

"Yes you are. You need to get a part in his ring so you can get the money." He said. "Dre. I will fuck you up, I'm not fighting you." I said. "First off, fuck you. Second who cares, I need to help my moms. So do whatever the fuck you need to do to get into this ring." He said.

"Fine, just let me win."

Ten minutes passed and we stepped into the ring.

"This the way we do things here. Three rounds. Each round is five minutes. Whoever taps out the most loses the match and the winner takes all. For tonight, we'll just do it quick and easy, ninety seconds. Let's see what you can do." He said. "Where's the gloves?" I asked. "Gloves? We don't do that sucka pussy shit around here. Ain't no gloves, bare hands." He said.

He stepped out the ring and rung the bell.

Me and Dre went around in a circle before I connected to his jaw. "Damn nigga." He said. I ignored him and sent another hit to his stomach.

"Forty - five seconds."

"Hit me Dre." I said. "No." He said. "Nigga hit me, come on." I said. He sent a blow to the side of my face. "Two more hits Zay and we done. Come on." He said. I two pieced him sending him down to the floor.


I held my hand out helping Dre up. "That was a weak fight. I like to see blood." He said approaching us. "Well I'm not making my cousin bleed." I said. "You didn't let me finish. It was a decent fight. Come in tomorrow night, I'll put you to the test for real. I got one of my best coming in and he won't mind fucking up some fresh meat." He said laughing a bit before walking off.

**Next Day**

~Jessica POV

I was singing along with the lyrics to The Beach by Giveon. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. "Hey sis." Adrianna said walking in. "Hey." I said pausing my music. "I feel like we don't spend time with each other anymore." She said. "We do."


"No you're right. Go get dressed. Me and you can go out to eat and go shopping or something." I said. "Yay!" She ran out going to her room. She was right, it has been a while since me and Adrianna have done something together. And with all the chaos going on between me and literally everyone else, it'd be nice to spend some time with her.


After getting dressed, I went downstairs seeing Adrianna sitting on the couch waiting. "Took you long enough." She said making me laugh a little. "Where you two going?" My dad asked. "The mall. We won't be gone for too long." I said. I grabbed my keys and we left making our way to Lenox.


"So how's school been going?" I asked Adrianna as we sat down and ate lunch. "Boring as ever. I wish I didn't have to go to school." She said. "Me and you both." I thought to myself. "Any boys at the school you like?" I asked nudging her shoulder. "There's this one boy, Caleb. We share sandwiches every day at lunch." She said. "Oouu sandwiches. That's major." I said. "Yeah. I don't like his sandwiches though." She shrugged making me laugh a little.

"What about you? What happened to that boy that you were talking to?"

"We aren't on the best of terms right now. Probably won't be for a while." I said "You guys get into an argument?" She asked. "Something like that. Let's not talk about it." I said. "I only asked because he popped up on my Instagram." She said making me raise a brow. "You follow him on Instagram?" I asked. "No. It's this fight page that me and Caleb watch together."

"First off, why are you following fighting pages. Second, what is he doing on those fighting pages? He isn't supposed to be doing that after he got shot." I said. "Here. You can see for yourself." She said handing me her phone. It was an advertisement for a fight. When I seen who he was fighting my heart dropped. "That guy he's fighting looks familiar right. I just cant remember." She said.

"That's Joshua. My ex."


~ashkash2 💋

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