Chapter Seven

Depuis le début

It didn’t matter though because when you got out onto the field and did the routine and everyone was screaming and cheering for you, even men, it was great. The thrill of it left you hyper for hour after, it left your body buzzing with adrenaline and it was rare I could sleep for ages after a game.

Especially when our routine was better than the home teams cheer. We had Billy to thank for that he was an amazing choreographer and he always pushed us to do better, making our cheers the best. We were quickly becoming quite famous amongst the cheer world and Billy had even suggested once or twice that we enter competitions so that we could officially be named the best.

Billy pulled me from my thoughts with his yell telling us to do our best and get out there. Calvin and the girls cheered so I joined in then we ran out onto the field to do our routine. The crowds cheering, we aced it. When we were done we watched the other teams and they did well but there was a few sloppy moves, but maybe I am biased.

I knew we were the better team but that was no surprise though, our routine had been twice as difficult. After the game Billy kept to his word and we all went out for a drink in the bar on the stadium grounds, Calvin and I were too young to drink which sucked but Billy snuck us one beer each.

We didn’t get to hang around much longer than that to be honest, we were scheduled to fly straight back to LA so there would be no hotel stop over. So once our drinks were done we were shuffled back onto the bus and driven to the airport where our jet was waiting for us.

I couldn’t be bothered to fly home, I was tired and just wanted to sleep but luckily because it was our own private jet there wasn’t much waiting around. I climbed into my seat prepared to sleep the whole way home, Calvin sat beside me so I stuck my earphones in sending a clear message so he huffed and moved.

I put my Beatles play list on and lay back hoping the flight would go quick, my belly rumbled but they didn’t normally serve food until at least an hour in so I had time to nap. In my life came on which is my favourite Beatles song so I tapped my foot to the beat and hummed to myself when I felt someone sit beside me and I huffed.

Pausing my music I opened my eyes to ask what they wanted but almost squealed like a girl because it was Teddy sitting there smirking beside me. I looked around as if asking how and everyone was smirking like they had all been in on this.

Turning back to him he shuffled closer to me and linked our hands, I leant in and kissed him and using my other hand to wrap around his neck and pull him closer to me.

“I missed you.” I said pulling away.

“I know.” He smiled then hit me. “That’s for not sleeping, eating and doing crap at work because of me!”

“Ow it wasn’t my fault.” I pouted trying not to smile. “I am glad you’re back are you staying for my birthday?”

“I am not sure yet but I am going to try my hardest ok.”


I couldn’t believe he was back and he had surprised me after the game, he wasn’t due back for a few days yet but it turns out he had missed me too. Teddy was five years older than me so to have him like me as much as I liked him made me feel great.

When the plane landed I waited behind with Teddy until he had completed his duties then I asked him to come back to my place but he refused. I was a little upset but he pointed out that if we were going to welcome each other home properly, it might be best if Calvin wasn’t around to interrupt us.

I blushed profusely then, kicked myself for blushing then nodded my head in agreement. I text Calvin telling him I wouldn’t be home and he replied instantly telling me he already knew that and called me a name I won’t repeat.

We caught a cab and went back to Teddy’s apartment, I sat nervously on the couch as Teddy flit around the place. It had been empty for two weeks so it was boiling hot in there, he turned on the air con and brought me a beer then sat beside me.

I could feel myself getting more and more nervous, yet excited at the same time. I wasn’t sure where we would go but this was with him so I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. I swigged my beer and winced as it went down, it was like swallowing lumps.

I quickly stood and said bathroom before rushing from the room, I was acting like a big girl’s blouse. I splashed my face with some water, I don’t think I was nervous about doing anything. I think I was more nervous about being bad at it, I didn’t want to let him down. I dried my face and shook away my fear then I left the bathroom to go and have fun with my boyfriend.

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