Chapter Eleven

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The next day I was woken earlier than normal by Calvin tapping on my door. He called out my name quietly which I found redundant because he was already successful in his obvious attempts to wake me up.

"What do you want Calvin?"

My door cracked open adagio, it was annoying me even more and I couldn't help telling him to either get in or go away. He walked over and sat on the very edge of my bed, something he never does. He would usually just climb straight in beside me, which only fuelled my guilty conscience more.

"I'm sorry." He said, puppy eyes and unsmiling face trained on me.

He was an arse, he would know I was feeling guilty and he is using this against me. He knows I can't stay mad at him for long especially when he looks at me like that!

"I'm sorry for saying that, no Ho will replace my Bro." I winked and he swatted my arm. "Seriously though Calvin, I know that you're looking out for me and that this is all new but you need to just chill. You never went all super psycho protective twin with Britney?"

"I'm sorry ok, I just don't understand why he has to be away from you so often when Lydia isn't away that often?"


"Jess' sister, I told you about her last night before you went all Hulk on me. She comes home every other night to see her family and is never away from home more than three days. So I'm just worried he has some alternative lifestyle happening somewhere and that you maybe are just the 'other woman' in his life."

"First of all fuck you for the 'other woman' comment I am all man and as my twin you should be pretty aware that I have quite a large dingaling." He grimaced as I smirked. "Secondly what company does she work for, does she travel long haul like Teddy does?"

"She works for JetBlue and no I don't think she does actually." He looked confused trying to recollect what Jess had told him.

"Well there you go then, JetBlue are a budget airline. They might not even work long haul flights it's probably just in and around America. Teddy flies all over and some of those journeys are to Europe, it's too expensive for the airline to fly him back and forward if there is not already a scheduled flight. So in some cases Teddy comes straight back the next day because there is already a flight waiting to return but if the next scheduled flight isn't for three days or isn't bound for America, then he is away a lot longer. I shouldn't even be justifying this to you but if it'll make you trust him, keep you off my back and shut you up then I guess it's for the best." I sighed.

"Ok 'm sorry Drew. I will try not to be so negative towards Teddy and stop thinking the worst, but don't forget Bros before Ho's." He winked and left my room.

I climbed out of bed and decided to skip the shower as I'd be getting gross again in less than half an hour. So instead I went out and made some pancakes and bacon, it was Calvin's favourite and I wanted to thank him for just dropping it.

When I pulled the bacon out of the pan he came running into the room, sliding to a stop and sat on the bench in front of me. He drowned it in maple syrup and shovelled it in before mumbling a thanks through a mouthful.

Once we had ate Calvin decided he wanted to drive so I hopped in shot gun and turned my music on loud. It annoyed him but I didn't care, he always did the same to me. I blast the Goo Goo Dolls Iris through the speakers and sang at the top of my voice and by the time the first chorus was over Calvin had reluctantly joined in with me.

We pulled up at some traffic signals and a car full of hot girls pulled up beside us and caught us singing. They giggled at us singing and when I winked at them before we pulled away it sent their giggling into overdrive.

I didn't miss that, but flirting is always fun even if it results in a execrable laughter. A few minutes later and Calvin pulled into the parking lot. We jumped out, grabbing our duffel bags, slung them on our shoulders and walked towards the changing rooms in perfect sync.

It kinda happens without us really noticing, but when I do stop to think about how alike we are it even freaks me out sometimes. It's weird to know that if I died I wouldn't really leave because Calvin would be walking the planet still. We are one person with two bodies.

Most twins fight to have their own personality, their own identity. But Calvin and I didn't care about all that, we both believed that each other's personality was awesome so why would we want anything different?

I'm not making much sense but it makes sense to me. My brother is cool (most of the time) so why wouldn't I want to be like him?

Anyway we got to the changing room full of half naked chicks as usual and began to change ourselves. I looked around and caught Calvin doing he same thing. "No Gracie?" He said and I shook my head no in agreement. Stomach sinking, I hope she was ok.

When we got out onto the field however Billy was waiting with Gracie beside him...on crutches. She was smiling but that didn't stop Calvin looking appalled and my belly sinking further.

"Grace we're so sorry, we didn't mean to drop you." I said.

"Yeah sorry Gracie." Calvin chimed in.

"Nope it was my fault, you boys were hot and tired and so was Gracie. We should have called it a day or moved it inside but it's done now and thankfully it's not as bad as it could have been." Billy said.

"Yeah it's just a sprained ankle boys I'll be ok." She smiled and hobbled off to explain to the girls.

After training that day, I checked my phone and found a message from Teddy to say that his flight had been changed. He would no longer be flying back to California but would be going to the East coast for a few days first. That would extend his trip by another four days and I was gutted.

I quickly typed out a reply and put my phone away, trying to put my smile back on my face before Calvin or the girls could click on that I was upset. I knew he had to work, I knew he'd be away a lot when we agreed to date but with Calvin's recent admonishing I was starting to worry when I shouldn't.

Calvin drove us home and like that very teenager I was trying to avoid, I went straight to my room to sulk for the rest of the evening.

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