Chapter Fifteen

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The night on the beach turned out to be fun even though Teddy had left me alone there. My friends are crazy and Gray was cool, we all just sat around the fire drinking beer and making s'mores. As the raging fire turned to embers everyone was trying to decide whether to call it a night. Gracie stood up in protest and in her drunken state tripped and it was Jake's quick reflexes that saved her from the fire and made everyone's mind up that it was time to leave.

As Billy, Zak and Eli collected up the empties and bagged up the trash, I grabbed a bucket and headed down to the water with Gray to fill it up. We carried it back to put out the fire, then when the logs were cool enough we bagged those too leaving no trace of our party.

At the top of the steps we all jumped into cabs and headed home, Gray insisted that he jump in with me and Cal saying he lived in the same direction. We drove home and came to our apartment first I pumped fists with him and Calvin gave him some money for the cab then we jumped out.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out and I remained that way until late afternoon the next day when my cell woke me up. I groaned as I rolled over to answer it, it was my day off why am I being woken up at this time? I checked the time and when I realised it was two pm I began to forgive the intruder already.

I checked the caller ID and it was Calvin, "Bro what?! I was sleeping." I moaned and he just laughed on the end of the phone.

"Andrew Simmons it is two in the afternoon and I am hungry, get up lets go get some food. I call dibs on the shower first."

"Don't call me Andrew bro. You're still in the apartment and yet you're ringing me?"

"Just get up." With that he cut me off.

I rolled over and groaned again, I was a little hungry maybe I could get up for food. A burrito sounds so awesome right now stuffed to the brim. I hadn't heard Calvin move so I turned on my TV loud so that he would think I was waiting for him to finish. Then I grabbed my towel and crept to my door, opening it slowly so he wouldn't hear.

Creeping along the hall to the bathroom I opened the door just as Calvin's bedroom door opened. He spotted me and yelled out but he was too late, I laughed loudly and slammed the door in his face. Locking it before he could get it but it didn't stop him banging on the door in protest.

I turned the shower on and stepped in as soon as it was warm enough, I was cruel but I wasn't cruel enough to use all the hot water so he had to have a cold shower. I quickly scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair, then I jumped out and brushed my teeth.

When I left he was leaning against the opposite wall with a moody look on his face and I just laughed again. "Don't pout darling Cal, I left you some hot water."

"Dick." He mumbled as he entered the bathroom and locked the door.

I went to my room to get ready, knowing he wouldn't be long. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and close, followed by Calvin's room closing. Just as I was leaving my room to holler for him, he came out of the door grinning.

"Where are we gonna eat?"

"I think we should head over to Mariscos Jalisco dude, those tacos are the best." Calvin practically drooled, okay so no burrito after all.

I drove while Calvin talked none stop about the fried shrimp tacos he was going to demolish when we finally got there. In between that he complained about the traffic, making me roll my eyes as the traffic never changed round here.

I pulled up outside and he jumped straight out. We grabbed a table and ordered our food then we fell into easy conversation about work. When I had finished my food I leaned back in my seat, patting my stomach with one hand completely satisfied and grabbing my coke with the other.

"So what's going on between you and that Gray?" Cal asked. "Some serious sexual looks coming from the both of you."

I spluttered on my coke. "Nothing is going on between us bro!"

"How'd you explain those looks you're throwing at him then?"

"What looks?! I have met the dude twice, he's a nice person but there's a little problem with me dating him...I'm TAKEN."

"Teddy is away most of the time and you're right Gray is alright, maybe you should consider it." Cal shrugged.

"Look for the last time I love Teddy ok, yes he is away a lot but I am ok with that. I knew that he would be away a lot when I met him so please Cal please give it a rest." I got up and threw some money down for my food, then I walked out the place and got in the car.

I couldn't leave so I waited for him to pay and climb into the passenger side beside me. "Look Drew, I am sorry that I keep upsetting you. I'm your twin, it's my job to worry about you ok. If Teddy is your choice then that's ok I just wanted to be sure you were happy."

"It's ok Cal, but Teddy and I are still together and we're doing fine ok." He nodded as I looked to him. "You're right about Gray though and he's pretty hot." I smirked and nudged him which made him instantly relax. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the sofa, watching films, eating chips and drinking soda.


The next day I decided to go back to the beach alone, there were a few ice cream parlours on the pier and I fancied some nutty butter pecan Baskin-Robin's. The sun was beating down on me as I walked along the shore line, Teddy was on my mind and I wondered where he was and if I was on his at all.

I knew I was being ridiculous but I couldn't help myself, I mean I had wanted to meet someone like Teddy for a long time before he came along and now I felt like I was losing at the first hurdle. Everyone wanted this to fail and I knew there would be other's that would prefer me with Gray too.

Maybe they were right, maybe I should end it with Teddy and find someone who can be around more. Then I wouldn't be walking along this endless beach alone, I'd have someone to talk to and joke with. Gray was easy to talk to, maybe I should just invite him out as mates from time to time. It doesn't always have to lead to something more, maybe he can just keep me company if he has nothing better to do.

I pulled out my cell and called him, it didn't take him long to answer and he picked up after three rings. I told him where I was headed and he readily agreed to meet me there, I told him what flavour I wanted because I was sure he would make it to the pier before me.

When I arrived he was ready and waiting as predicted, he was sat outside on the wall with two tubs of ice cream. I smiled as I approached and took the ice cream he was holding out for me, digging straight in I could hear him chuckling beside me.

"Favourite of yours?" He asked

"Hmmm." I mumbled back. "What did you get?" I asked nodding at his tub.

"Triple grape."

"Good choice." I smiled again, seemed to be smiling a lot when he was around it was becoming a little annoying.

"Want some?" He asked holding it up to me. I dug my spoon in to take some and held mine out to him so that he could do the same.

When we had finished we went down to the water for a swim, I kicked off my flip flops and took off me tee throwing it on the sand. Gray stood beside me doing the same then we went into the water which was a welcome relief from the heat of the midday sun.

We swam as far as the waves would allow, trying to avoid any surfers. Gray kept trying to dunk me and I kept diving and pulling him under by his legs. It was fun. I needed it, it took my mind off everything and everyone's opinions of Teddy.

Climbing out of the water afterwards was a struggle as the waves were getting bigger. Collapsing on the sand I smiled, lay back and closed my eyes. Toda was a good day. 

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