Chapter Three

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Meeting Teddy had put my mood back to normal, so at training the next day I spent the whole time winding up my fellow teammates and Billy. Whenever there was a break I hounded Billy for information, I wanted to know the ins and outs of fucking a man.

It was a pretty outrageous thing to ask your boss, but however much he tried to avoid the subject he always gave just enough away. I shouldn’t really perv on him and Zak but god I imagine they look so hot together, Zak is so huge and damn the idea of him pounding into anything is enough to make me twitch.

Anyway back to training, so because I had a date with Teddy coming up tomorrow and I had no idea what was expected of me I was quizzing Billy non-stop. I probably shouldn’t be expecting anything to happen with Teddy but a guy has to be a little prepared.

I wasn’t asking Billy about the mechanics, I am a guy so I have watched enough porn to know how it’s done. I just wanted to know about the more sentimental, personal side of things, something I am not exactly good at. Britney hated me for my filthy tongue and for a long time left me hanging as a result. When I first met her though, I thought she was stunning so I had persevered and after about six months of dating she finally put out.

I think at this point she thought I would dump her but I am not that kind of guy, I may have a mouth on me and come across like a douche but I’m not one really. Sex with Britney, however awesome, never seemed to satisfy me completely.

She was amazing at what she did but there always seemed to be something missing. It was like having a Cornetto, enjoying the ice cream but looking forward to that little chocolate bit at the end of the cone, then finding it empty. It was always a little bit disappointing but I just couldn’t figure out what it was that I was missing out on.

Maybe it had been my fault, I was after all not emotionally attached to her for a long time before we split. Either way what used to be awesome somehow became lacking and in the end I was making excuses to get out of it and just having a wank instead.

So asking Billy these questions just made me feel a little bit more relaxed especially when Teddy was just as experienced as him by the sounds of it. The more I thought of Teddy the more attracted I became to him and I couldn’t help the small smirk that would cross my face as I thought about how sexy he was.

He was just like other guys that had caught my eyes, typically Californian. Blonde hair, gorgeous tan and brown eyes but there was just something better in him. From our brief encounter and our texting since, I had learned that he was really quite a happy person which was sexy to me.

I could tell that he had moral courage, not allowing any one to push him around or following all the trends. He has the courage of conviction to follow his own way instead of acting up to other people’s standards and I found that pretty hot.

Teddy has a certain self-confidence but not the type that makes him a cocky ass like I am sometimes, just the type of person who is comfortable in his own skin, unpretentious about it which is cool. From the moment I had met him he had been thoughtful, took my feelings into consideration and told me a personal story to cheer me up.

He didn’t even know me and yet he took the time to recognise what I needed and helped to cheer me up. Teddy was honest with me from the start and told me that my first experience might not turn out to be everything I had imagined, but I am certain that if he turns out to be my first, I won’t regret much.


I jumped, snapping out of my reverie as Billy yelled at me. When I looked around everyone was looking at me smirking and for the first time in a long time I blushed as I noticed I was just stood staring into space. I apologised and got back to work, trying hard to keep my thoughts away from Billy and Zak’s antics and Teddy for the rest of the shift.

It was surprisingly more difficult than I thought it would be to keep my mind from drifting back to Teddy. It wasn’t however thoughts of being dirty with him, which was astonishing in itself, in fact doubt was beginning to creep into my mind as I began to think more and more about our date.

Was it really a date?

I had asked him for his number stating that we could be friends, maybe he expected that to be as far it goes? I mean he might just think I am using him because I am a virgin in that department and I only want him for his stories and to get my first taste of a man.

I didn’t want that. If friendship was all it would be then I would be happy with that because Teddy was a nice bloke and I enjoyed his company and his texts. I wasn’t afraid to admit that I was afraid of how this ‘date’ would turn out, I would hate it if he didn’t like me. After all we have only met once and he talked about himself and although we have talked on the phone since, he may end up not liking me when we’re face to face.

I could feel my cocky attitude slipping away as the date got closer and I wasn’t sure I liked that. I relied on my ability to be snarky to get me through difficult and potentially embarrassing situations, making a joke of things just loosened everyone up.

This nervousness that I could feel making my heart race in anticipation, just cemented for me the fact that I was certainly attracted to Teddy and I really wanted this date to go well. I am eighteen and I am not naïve enough to believe that this could lead straight into what Billy and Zak have but there’s always fun to be had in the meantime.

But I am a believer in love at first sight no matter how clichéd it might sound. My parents had met when they were only eighteen, married six months later and have been together ever since. They recently just renewed their vows after forty years and are in love more than ever, so they are living proof that these things can happen.

I am in no rush though, I want to take my time with Teddy and get to know him…every little inch of him. I am kinda hoping that getting to know him in this way will be equally, if not more fun as learning about his personality.

The solar eclipse was tomorrow afternoon and then I would either make this the best date ever or screw it up completely. I only hoped it would be the former, in fact it was definitely going to be the former I am Drew Simmons girls love me so why shouldn’t Teddy?

Yeah I’d rock this.


Hey again sorry for the delay on this. Just a little chapter to get us started again and I will try and have their date up for you all tomorrow to make up for it.

H xx

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