Chapter Seven

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The day off that Billy had given us was just what I needed. I called Teddy straight away to tell him what had happened and I received another telling off and was sent straight to bed. I slept right through until Calvin woke me up to go to breakfast the next day with the team.

It was fun and we had a laugh together, I was also suddenly ravenous so I ordered two breakfasts for myself, then I helped everyone to finish theirs too. It was only a few days until the game and after that I would get to see Teddy again, I was sure we could cope with talking a little less.

I didn’t do much else on my day off I called Teddy for the last time until he came home and we talked for a few hours before he fell asleep on me. Then I spent the rest of the time chilling with Calvin watching movies and eating chips, we did a little gaming and I was in such a good mood I beat him every time.

It was just what I needed so the next day back in training I thanked Billy by working really hard on all the difficult throws and lifts. By the time the game came around we were all pumped and ready to go, we really wanted to be the best team. It was always the case, especially on away games why do it if you don’t want to be the best.

The flight was a short one only a couple of hours but it felt like ages because we just wanted to be there already and get this done. Billy told us that Zak still wouldn’t be playing in the game and I could see them across the plane in deep discussion. It was shitty what had happened to Zak but he seemed to be taking it better than I thought he would and he does really well at coaching the team.

When the plane landed we were ferried into the waiting bus and chaperoned straight into the buildings changing rooms that had been prepared for us. Billy wasn’t one for running through everything hours and hours before hand so we all stayed in there and chilled for an hour or two.

Due to all of the crap that had been going on lately I had been away with it and totally forgot it was mine and Calvin’s birthday coming up. It was a shock when he brought it up because I didn’t think I had been that bad, but when they started discussing a huge party I felt a little guilty again.

It sounded to me like they had been planning this for a while but they couldn’t have been I had only been with Teddy a few weeks. Calvin had planned the venue and the theme, the girls were discussing their costumes and even Billy chirped in with the food choices.

Where the hell had I been? It sounded like it was going to be an epic party I only hoped I was still invited to my own birthday. It seems after the day off and free breakfast I had been forgiven but they had still failed to mention anything about this in the few days since.

I hoped that Teddy would be back for the party that way everyone could meet him and maybe that will stop them being so annoyed with me all the time. I tried to push it away, I would talk to Calvin after the game to find out what was going on.

Thirty minutes before the game Billy quickly took us verbally through the routine and told us to kick it and if we did well he’d take us for a drink after. We all cheered and stripped our tracksuits off then got ready to get out onto the field.

I could hear the crowds gathering and cheering all ready and the game wasn’t for another hour yet. The atmosphere at these games was what made cheering worth it, Calvin and I always faced a certain amount of stick for cheering.

LA LustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora