SHIT!! How did I not notice this before I passed out?

"Are you serious?" I asked completely shocked.

"Kasumi. Why would I lie? Fact is your lucky your alive. Your also lucky you slept through most of the healing process because of your power, so you didn't feel any pain,"

Shit! I'm one lucky bitch!!

I let a small smile escape my lips.

"So then when can I leave?" I asked.

"As soon as you get changed. Now hurry up, you wana see the exams don't you?"

"YES!" I yelled and I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom, only to fight the pain shooting through my body.

No way in hell am I missing this!

We made it to the exams just as everyone left..

"Are you kidding me?" I asked one of the Jōnin there.

"Nope, they just left. Sorry. But they will be at the forest of death in the morning," he said with a small smile.

I face palmed. Why the hell did I have to sleep that entire time?

"Oh well.” I sighed. “Thanks anyway," I said as I waved goodbye to the Jōnin.

I wonder if I should go find Kiba now or just wait and see him tomorrow.... Who am I kidding!? I thought as I looked at the daisy chain in my hand, I haven't seen him in over like a week! I am soooo going to see him! I miss his lips..

I grinned as I jumped out the window on my way to Kiba's.


"Oh sorry," said the nurse, "She got discharged today and has already left the hospital,"

"What!? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah she woke up and her dad took her and left."

"Oh man." I said looking down at Akamaru. "Well thanks anyway." I said as I walked out the door.

"Where do you think she could be Akamaru?" I asked as he jumped onto my head.

"Arff Arf,"

"Huh? You think she's gone to the first exam? Oh crap. She'll probably have left there already." I sighed.

He let out a small whine.

"Yeah I guess we should get some rest for tomorrow," I agreed as we made our way home.

But I really do miss her.


I lifted up my hand and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" I heard Tsume yell.

I smiled. Kiba better be home.

"Oh Hey Kasumi! Are you feeling better? I heard you were out!" She asked concerned but she still had a smile on her face.

"Oh I'm fine! I was just wondering if Kiba survived the first exam?" I said lightly.

She laughed.

"HAH! Of course he did! He's my son! Haha I take it you want to see him?" she asked with a cheeky smile on her face

I giggled.

"That's good and yeah I would love to see him! Is he in?" I asked.

"No he's not, but he said that if you came by, to tell you 'Daisy chains,' what ever that means." she huffed.

A smile crept onto my face and it just kept growing.

"Thanks so much!" I yelled before poofing into smoke

I appeared again in a field of daisy chains and sure enough there was Kiba sitting there waiting for me.

He smiled once he saw me and I ran over to him.

"KIBA!" I yelled/giggled as I jumped into his arms.

"Heeyyy," he grinned as he hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"Took you long enough to wake up," he laughed.

"Shut up!" I giggled as I pulled out of the hug to give Akamaru one so he didn't feel left out.

"You missed me passing the first exam," he grinned as he sat down and I joined him.

"I heard! Tsume told me,"

"Ohh! She ruined the surprise." he huffed but I just giggled.

"I knew you'd pass anyways,"

"Oh did you now?" he said and I laughed and leaned into his chest as he put an arm around me.

It went silent for moment. But it wasn't awkward.

I looked up at the sky, it was clear and covered in stars and the moon was almost full. It was beautiful.

"You know Kiba," I said not taking my eyes away from the sky. "No matter what you always manage to make me smile."

I turned and looked only to find Kiba blushing slightly. I giggled and when he realised I was laughing at him he said

"Psh of course I do! I'm just that awesome of a guy!"

I giggled again and Akamaru barked.

"Kiba," I said

"Yeah what is it?"

"Take your hoodie off your head!" I laughed as I pulled it down.


"I told you," I said smiling. "You look better with it down,"

He smirked as he pulled me into his lap and wraped his arms around my waist as he pulled me in close. My back pressed against his chest

It felt good and right with Kiba.. His arms and chest were warm as a cool breeze past us.

I'm going to miss him so much. I thought.


"Are you serious!? I only get one month after the chunin exams!?" I said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Kasumi but you need to do this. It's really important." said the Hokage.

I sighed looking down.

"So basically this mission is going to take up my whole life isn't it?" I asked without looking at him.

"I'm afraid yes Kasumi. It will."

---end of flashback---

I turned to Kiba and he smiled at me. I smiled back and hugged him tight. I'm gona miss you so much Kiba.

I don't even know how I'm going to leave you. I kept my grip tight on him as we held each other close. I guess I better make the little things like these last.


Okay so that chapter was supposed to be completely different but what ever! No one reads this anyway lol

If you actually read this and liked it, please



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Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!? (naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now