1: Fear

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This will be the only warning given:
This novel will contain sexual content and inappropriate language not suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

I hope you all enjoy the beginning :)


Chapter 1: Fear

I stare up at the ceiling, listening to the faint sound of my alarm clock, contemplating on what to do. From the distance I have between me in this stupid contraption, I can throw a pillow, resulting of it slamming the clock against the floor. It'll stop the sound from coming out, but then again, do I want that? Or should I wait, a minute and thirty seconds approximately, so it'll turn off by itself.

I grab onto my pillow with my hand, my fists tightly clenched, but at the same time, I think of the ticking of the clock: 47, 48, 49...

I groan to myself, knowing that if I do break my clock, there will be consequences. Well first, my alarm will be destroyed; second, my flooring will have scratch marks - and with the girl I live with right now, it isn't necessary for me to buy materials I don't need. "Juliet!" A repeating pounding sound comes from across the room, "Shut off your alarm! I'm trying to fucking sleep!" Her voice pierces through the wall, being that our rooms are connected with a wall separating us. I open my hand, letting the suffocating pillow free and finally sit up, ripping the duvet wrapped around my body. The coldness slaps my bare legs and arms, the air conditioning slithering against the skin not covered by my tank and shorts.

"Julie -"

"I got it!" I groan out, rubbing my face before flipping my body towards the floor, and with a big thump - I slam back first onto the ground. The floor is like an icy hell, frozen by the AC as well - and I quickly crawl towards my desk, using my fisted fingers to slam the buttons to shut the beeping contraption. I get up, my toes curling against the cold floor although I am wearing socks. I stretch my arms, picking up the black frames and push them to the bridge of my nose.

"Carissa, you better be awake by the time I'm done taking a shower," I hit my hand against the wall from earlier. I hear her groan a 'fine,' but knowing my friend, she'll wait til the last minute - waking up by the time I'm heading out.

I trudge down our short, dimmed hallway, opening the door to our bathroom. Immediately, I strip out of my pajamas, and then pull out my toothbrush from the little Mason jar I had decorated to place our dental hygiene supplies. I turn on the shower, making hot water take its time to replace the cold and brush my teeth - three minutes to be precise - before entering the shower. The water hits my skin, glistening down my body. It's only the start of my day, but I already know how terrible it will be. The hot water evaporates with it some of my worries that I will have to face, but not enough for me to be relieved. Soon, I wash my hair and body, the soap dragging against my skin. I rinse off the bubbles, making the peach-mango scent melt into me - not wanting a disgusting stench being inhaled by anyone around me.

I am done sooner than I want - mentally saddened at the fact I have to leave for class; I twist silver handle to turn off the water, making the last sprinkles of heat hit my hair, before stretching my arm and grabbing the towel hung about a good yard away from the shower room. I quickly dry my body, then place the maroon towel around my hair. I exit out of the tub and then reach for my glasses enabling me to see. I look at myself in the mirror, seeing a bit of acne beneath my skin, barely noticeable, but still there since I stayed up studying for today's final.

I mean, I shouldn't worry about this test: I've taken notes, attended class every single day, researched at numerous libraries in order to elaborate what my professors lecture on, but with every test I take, I do terribly: incredibly poor; I take the whole time in order to complete any of my tests, yet, I still do badly. I thank god it isn't necessary to wait for everyone to finish the test, or else everyone in my class will despise me for making them stay for the whole four hours.

Stay With Me - C.H.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن