On the Topic of Urchin-Eating

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**Warning: My old writing/not proof-read**

"Hey Urchin, have we ever had the talk about me being a giant and all?" Olcod asked Lorelai.

"I know you're a giant, dumby," Lorelai rolled her eyes.

"That's not what I'm talking about," he paused, "You know that giants eat humans, right?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

"And you know that I've eaten people before, right?" he inquired.

"Duh! You tried to eat me once!" she scoffed, "Remember?"

"Well yes, but...so I don't scare you?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course not. You're my best friend, and you don't do that stuff anymore." she patted the hand she was in. Oh, but he did still do that stuff. Rarely and only in certain conditions, but he did. He actually had eaten someone two days ago which prompted his idea to talk to her about this.

"Urchin..." he sighed, "Sometimes I still do that stuff."

"WHAT?" she shrieked, scooting as far away from him as she could. He had to stop her with his other hand to keep her from falling, but she only darted away from that palm.

"Lorelai, I'd never hurt you," he promise, trying to cup her in two hands to keep her from skidding all over the place. She only broke into tears once she was trapped. "Hey, hey, you're safe. I'd never hurt you." he opened his hands back out.

She remained still in the center of his hand, sobbing as she repeatedly croaked out, "Please don't eat me."

"Lorelai, I'd never eat you. C'mon now, lass." he smiled wryly, "You're my little urchin. I'd never ever hurt you."

She snuffled, "Y-y-y-you p-promised that y-you weren't going t-to eat anyone."

"When?" he asked skeptically, but he managed to keep his voice soft and compassionate.

"W-when you tried to eat me, you promised you weren't going to eat anyone," she whimpered.

"I just meant that I wasn't going to eat you or anyone at that time," he explained. The little urchin- his little urchin- looked crushed and horrified. He couldn't stand it. "But from now on, I vow to never eat another human again." he promised.

"Really?" she wiped her face with her sleeve. Really? Was he really going to do this? All for a human? He thought about it for a moment.

"Really," he nodded, "Anything for my urchin."

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