Werewolves, Giants, Urchins, Oh My!

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**Warning: My older writing/not proof-read**

"Olcod!" a small voice shouted. He stirred from sleep.

"Lorelai?" he pushed him upwards from his bed. He blindly reached a hand down until he found the girl. He wrapped a hand around her and brought her up to the bed. "Urchin, what are you doing here at..." he glance at the clock that read 2:04, "two in the morning!?"

"I had a nightmare," she murmured.

"But why are you here?" he questioned.

"Mommy and daddy haven't come home yet," she sniffled.

"Did you go to bed by yourself?" he asked, starting to feel angry with her parents.

"Yeah," she admitted. Now, he was furious with her parents. It was one thing to have a child when you can't properly take care of her by yourself, but it's another thing to have a child and make it take care of herself. He knew they were rich enough to get a babysitter. Even if they didn't want to pay for a babysitter, then he would've gladly done it for free.

"Why didn't you come over here earlier?" he asked.

"They didn't want me to bother you. B-but I had a nightmare, and I tried to go back to bed, but then I heard a noise, so I ran to your horse," she hung her head down. "I'm sorry! Please don't tell them that I bothered you!" she begged.

"Oh Urchin...if your parents ever leave you home alone, then you can always come over. No matter what they say. If they have a problem with it, then I'll talk to them. Alright?" he deposited her into an open palm.

"Yes sir," she nodded, "Thank you."

He sunk down back under the covers, "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?"

"I guess...My classmates who were at my house for some reason, and there was a werewolf monster that tried to kill me and my classmates. Now that I say it out loud, it sounds stupid." she hung her head down.

"It's not stupid, urchin. We all have weird dreams sometimes. I once woke up in a cold sweat because I had a dream where I made a massive typo on a paper I submitted publicly." he reassured her.

"Really?" she queried.

"Oh yeah," he grimaced. She burst into giggles. "Yeah, yeah, go ahead and laugh," he hid his smile in the darkness, "But you know that the werewolf doesn't exist, right?"

"I know, but it just-"

"Hey...as long as you know that he doesn't exist, then you're allowed to be scared. No one recovers from a bad dream instantly. You're doing fine, and I'm proud of you, urchin." he placed her onto the covers above his chest, so he could keep an eye on her silhouette.

"Thanks, Olcod," she smiled, sitting down on top of him.

"'Course, lass. Besides, if there was a werewolf, then I'd eat it for you." he cupped a hand around her backside.

"Ewww, but it would be so hairy," she squealed.

"I mean...you also have a lot of hair, but I'd still eat you," he flicked her shoulder-length, blonde hair

with a finger.

"Meanie!" she hissed.

"Meanie? Not me. I'm just trying to help out. After all, someone has to eat the furry beasts around here." he purred. He didn't even have to see her to know her face was one of pure fury.

"I hate you. I'm going back home." she stood back up and waddled to the edge of his body, "I-I need help to get back down."

"Too bad," he plucked her up and deposited her back to her original spot.

"You're the worst," she pouted.

"Speaking of the worst, it's bedtime, urchin," he nudged her backside.

"But I'm not tirrreeeddd!" she whined.

"Are you actually not tired, or are you scared to go to sleep?" he challenged.

"You said it was okay to be scared!" she objected.

"Of course it's okay to be scared. You just gotta tell me the actual root of the problem. Now that I know you're just a tad scared, then I can assure you that you're safe. After all, you'll be sleeping by a fucking giant, eh? What more could you need?" he grinned, "And if you get scared again, then just wake me up. Alright, urchin?"

"Yes sir," she nodded.

"Good. Now flop over, and get some rest." he gave her a light push, and she obediently flopped over. He draped his hand over her and watched as she started to lightly snore.

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