Chapter 5

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Bakugou? You thought as you squinted your eyes.

Without realizing your feet had started walking on their own accord.

What had seemed like blond hair turned into red spiky hair. "Ki--Kirishima?" You said,

"You sound disappoint..." he gave you a small smile.

"Sorry... what are you doing here?" You asked, a little stunned.

"Well you see, when a man and a woman are in love they--"

"Whoa! Not like that, I meant why are you in the rain? Out here?" You clarified.

"Ooh, I'm here to take you to Baku." He said casually.

Your eyes widen, "y-you know where Katsuki is?" You asked shocked.

"Yep," he said as he looked around.

You turned to see what he was looking at, "what are you looking at?" You asked curiously.

"I'm looking for any signs of trouble... Baku isn't the only one looking for you."

Then he roughly grabbed your hand and tugged you.

How does Kirishima know where Katsuki is? All of the heroes have been dispatched and they searched high and low but none of them found him.

"Hey Kiri, how did you find Katsuki?" You asked Kirishima who was still tugging Your hand.

"I've never lost him, I've been with him from the start."

"I don't understand. Are you telling me that you knew where he was?" You asked dumbfounded.

"You still haven't caught on haven't you?" He asked and looked back at you with a small smile. He he saw your confusion he added, "It's alright. Things will clear up once we reach your Katsuki."

You nodded and silently let him lead you where your other half was.


"Where are we?" You asked with curiosity,  the cabin was small yet homey.

"This was the place that Bakugou bought for your wedding gift." He said as he looked around.

You remembered a time when you nagged Bakugou to move out of your small apartment and join nature.

"So he actually bought it?" You said with a small smile and started touching the white sofa. "So where is he?" You asked.

"I'm right here." A voice said from behind you.

You turned and saw Bakugou standing in front of the door. You excitedly approached him but stopped when you noticed his appearance.

His eyes were slightly darker than usual. His skin was paler making him look a little dangerous.

"Is this her?" He asked Kirishima as he looked bored and disappointed.

As he took slow calculated measured steps, you took a step back, out of fear.

Your back hit something really hard, you realised that it was Kirishima. He grinned at you.

"What's going on here?" You whispered,

"I'll Tell You what's going on. I just wasted my time here," he said and took a step forward, "now, listen here sweetheart..." he roughly pulled you to him then your face collide with his firm chest.

"Katsuki, they said that you've gone rogue." You looked at him with sad eyes. "Why? Were you not happy with me? Why didn't you tell me anything? We could have worked together to find a solution" You cried and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"That Katsuki." He whispered in your ear in a low and dangerous tone making  you shudder. "Is long gone."

Getting Him Back (Bakuguo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now