Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Tangled Threats

The room had grown smaller, the air thicker with unspoken tension. The revelation of your pregnancy hung between you and Bakugou like a heavy cloud, a constant reminder of the choices that had brought you to this point. While you had hoped for understanding, what you found was a complex mix of emotions in his red eyes – frustration, guilt, and a hint of something else.

Days turned into a monotonous blur as you navigated the strange and treacherous existence within the League's lair. Bakugou's presence was a constant reminder of the love you'd once shared and the betrayal that now defined your relationship.

One evening, as you gazed out of the small window, a sinking feeling settled in your gut. The walls felt like they were closing in on you, the sense of impending danger growing with each passing day. It wasn't just Shigaraki and the League that you had to fear – it was Bakugou, too.

Bakugou's frustration was thinly masked by a layer of guilt that flickered in his gaze whenever he looked at you. He tried to maintain his aloofness, his tough exterior, but there were moments when his guard slipped, revealing the turmoil within.

As you sensed this new threat – not only from Shigaraki but also from Bakugou – a desperate determination took root within you. You knew you had to escape, not just for your own sake, but for the life growing within you.

Late one night, while the lair was shrouded in darkness, you began to formulate a plan. The risk was immense, but the alternative was a life of uncertainty and danger. You meticulously outlined each step, considering every detail, from the escape route to potential obstacles.

But unbeknownst to you, your plans were not as concealed as you thought. Twice, with his uncanny ability to duplicate appearances, had picked up on your restlessness and your clandestine plotting.

The day your plan was set into motion arrived. You gathered your resolve, your heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. You moved silently through the shadows, every step calculated.

As you reached a critical juncture, you were startled by the sound of footsteps behind you. Panic surged through you as you turned, only to be met by Twice's grinning visage.

"Leaving without telling anyone, huh?" he quipped, his tone both amused and reproachful.

Your heart sank, the realization that your plans had been discovered leaving you vulnerable and exposed.

"You shouldn't be doing this," he continued, his expression growing more serious. "Bakugou won't take this lightly."

You met his gaze, your resolve undeterred despite the threat. "I have to get out of here. For my sake and the sake of the child I'm carrying."

Twice sighed, his features a mixture of sympathy and resignation. "You're not wrong, but this isn't going to end well. I've seen how Bakugou reacts when things don't go his way."

Before you could respond, a chilling presence descended upon you – Bakugou had arrived, his steps purposeful and his eyes ablaze with anger.

"Twice, what the hell are you doing?" he barked, his attention shifting between you and the League member.

Twice's shoulders slumped, his playful demeanor replaced by a sense of unease. "She was trying to escape, Bakugou. I thought you should know."

Bakugou's gaze locked onto you, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Is this true?"

You swallowed hard, your heart racing as you met his eyes. "Yes. I can't stay here, not like this."

His frustration and guilt seemed to collide within him, his features a tumult of conflicting emotions. Without a word, he grabbed your arm, his grip firm as he led you away from Twice.

The corridor felt endless as he pushed you forward, your steps faltering under the weight of his anger. Eventually, he stopped at a door, his grip relenting just enough for you to enter.

"Stay here," he ordered, his voice low and filled with a barely restrained fury.

The door closed behind you, leaving you alone in the cold, dim room. The reality of your actions weighed heavily on you, a reminder that you were caught in a web of your own making.

As you sat in the silence, your thoughts raced. The danger was greater than you'd anticipated, not just from the League but from the one person you'd thought you could trust – Bakugou.

The path ahead was uncertain, but the spark of determination within you burned brighter than ever. It was a fight for your freedom, for your future, and for the life that depended on your choices.

Time stretched on as you sat alone in the dimly lit room, the weight of your choices and the danger that surrounded you pressing down like a suffocating fog. The air felt heavy with uncertainty, and your thoughts churned with the complexity of the situation you found yourself in.

Hours passed, each one a slow and agonizing reminder of the predicament you'd gotten yourself into. The room offered little comfort, its cold walls serving as a stark reminder of the isolation that had become your reality.

The sound of the door creaking open startled you, and you looked up to find Bakugou standing there, his expression a mixture of anger and frustration. His eyes locked onto yours, his gaze intense, as if searching for something within you.

"Get up," he snapped, his voice cutting through the silence.

You complied, rising from your seat with a mixture of apprehension and defiance. His presence was a reminder of the love you'd once shared and the betrayal that now hung like a barrier between you.

"What were you thinking?" Bakugou's voice held a volatile edge, his anger evident in the way his hands clenched at his sides.

"I was thinking about my safety and the safety of our child," you retorted, your voice steady despite the turmoil that churned within you.

He scoffed, his frustration evident. "By putting yourself in even more danger? Running off without a plan? You're not just affecting yourself anymore."

Your eyes locked with his, the intensity of the moment almost overwhelming. "I couldn't stay there. I couldn't live in that constant state of uncertainty and fear."

Bakugou's gaze wavered for a moment, a hint of guilt flickering in his eyes before he masked it with a scowl. "You think I don't know that? You think I'm not worried about you?"

The vulnerability in his admission caught you off guard, a reminder that despite the betrayal, he still carried traces of the person you'd once known.

"I can't just sit around and wait for Shigaraki to decide my fate," you said, your voice softer now. "I need to take control of my own life."

Bakugou's jaw clenched, the internal struggle evident in the way his gaze faltered. "You're right. I get it. But damn it, (Name), this isn't the way."

You took a step closer, the space between you charged with unspoken emotions. "Then what is the way? Tell me, Katsuki. How do we navigate this mess?"

His frustration seemed to give way to a mix of resignation and determination. "We figure it out together. We find a way to protect ourselves and the future."

The words hung in the air, a fragile bridge between your past and the uncertain future that lay ahead. Despite the anger and betrayal, there was still a connection – a bond that had weathered storms and could potentially weather this, too.

"Are you willing to do that?" you asked, your voice soft but earnest.

Bakugou's gaze met yours, his eyes reflecting the complicated mix of emotions within him. "I don't have a choice," he admitted, his voice a whisper.

The weight of his confession settled over you both, a shared understanding that the paths you'd chosen were irrevocably intertwined. The road ahead was treacherous, but it was one you'd have to navigate together, for your sake and for the sake of the life that now depended on your decisions.

As the room's tension gave way to a fragile truce, you and Bakugou were left standing on the precipice of an uncertain future, with dangers lurking on all sides – from the League and from the intricacies of your own hearts.

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