chapter 18

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Chapter 19: Unveiled plan

Days turned into weeks, and the ever-present threat of the League of Villains loomed over you like a dark cloud. The fragile connection you had shared with Bakugou had shattered, leaving you both with a sense of emptiness that was hard to bear.

Your days were spent in captivity, the monotony broken only by the occasional visit from Shigaraki or the other members of the League. Each encounter served as a stark reminder of your vulnerability, of the dangerous game you were playing.

But amid the despair, a glimmer of hope began to take shape. Your body was undergoing changes, subtle but significant. The nausea, the fatigue, the strange cravings – they were all signs that couldn't be ignored.

It wasn't long before you realized the truth – you were pregnant.

The revelation sent shockwaves through you, a mix of emotions swirling within. Fear, hope, and a fierce determination to protect the life growing inside you battled for dominance. You knew that this changed everything, that your unborn child was now a pawn in the dangerous game being played by the League.

As your belly began to show the telltale signs of pregnancy, you couldn't help but wonder about the future. The League had a plan, and Bakugou was at the center of it. The child you carried was both a source of vulnerability and potential power.

One evening, as the dim light of your confinement cast long shadows, Shigaraki paid you a visit. His presence sent a chill down your spine, and you knew that this meeting held significance.

He circled you like a predator, his gloved fingers trailing along the edge of your jaw. "You're looking a bit different these days, (Name)," he remarked, his voice dripping with a sinister edge.

You swallowed hard, your hand instinctively moving to protect your growing belly. "What do you want, Shigaraki?"

He grinned, the expression sending a shiver down your spine. "I want to talk about our future, (Name). About the role you and your dear husband will play in it."

Your heart pounded as you listened to his words, the weight of the situation pressing down on you. Shigaraki had a plan, and you were certain it involved your child.

Meanwhile, Bakugou remained distant, his guilt and internal struggle evident in every interaction you had. The love you had once shared seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a growing chasm of mistrust and uncertainty.

As the days passed, you couldn't help but wonder if there was a way out of this nightmare. The child you carried was a symbol of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was still a flicker of light.

But with Shigaraki's ominous plan looming on the horizon, you couldn't shake the feeling that your future was a precarious balancing act, one that could tip in either direction at any moment.

he room felt suffocating as Shigaraki continued to circle you. "You see, (Name)," he began, "we have big plans. Plans that involve your husband, Bakugou."

You clenched your fists, the fear for Bakugou and your unborn child knotting in your chest. "What are you going to do?"

Shigaraki's smile widened, revealing his unsettling grin. "Oh, nothing too drastic... yet. But we need Bakugou's explosive talents for a certain endeavor. And we have a little insurance policy to make sure he cooperates."

Your mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. The unborn child. It had to be about the child. But what could they want with an innocent life?

Shigaraki leaned in close, his gloved hand brushing a lock of hair from your face. "You and Bakugou are going to play a vital role in our grand plan, (Name). It's just a matter of time."

The dread that had settled over you like a dark cloud seemed to intensify. The impending danger was clear, and your instincts as a mother kicked in. You had to protect your child, even if it meant facing the unimaginable.

As Shigaraki left the room, his laughter echoed in your ears, leaving you with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. The future was uncertain, and the only thing you were sure of was that you would do whatever it took to keep your child safe.

But as you pondered the ominous plan that loomed ahead, you couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to turn the tables on the League, to outmaneuver Shigaraki and protect the fragile hope that had taken root within you.

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