Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Torn Allegiances

The room's air was thick with tension, each heartbeat echoing in the silence as you faced Bakugou, his red eyes now devoid of the warmth you once knew. His lips curled into a chilling smirk as he held you in place against the wall, his grip on your chin both rough and possessive. Your heart pounded in your chest, a mix of fear and confusion swirling within you.

"H-how did you become what you despised?" Your voice quivered, a blend of shock and disbelief coloring your words. But before Bakugou could respond, the room's atmosphere shifted as a familiar voice broke the deadlock.

"Because Bakugou is pure power," Shigaraki's casual tone sliced through the room, his nonchalant posture in stark contrast to the danger he emanated. Your attention shifted to him, momentarily distracted from Bakugou's unsettling behavior. Shigaraki's presence was a stark reminder of the reality you were now entangled in.

Bakugou's amusement only grew, his eyes dancing with satisfaction at the look of terror etched onto your features. With a step back, he released his hold on you, his hands casually slipping into his pockets. It was as if the earlier confrontation was a mere game to him, a game in which he reveled.

Struggling to regain your composure, you addressed Shigaraki with a hint of courage. "How did you convince him to join you? Why are you doing this? What are your motives?" Your voice wavered, but the need for answers overpowered your fear.

Shigaraki's patience seemed to wear thin as he rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "Shut up, didn't they teach you to mind your damn business?" He sighed, the irritation evident in his voice.

"Now that she knows about us, what do we do, boss?" Twice's voice emerged from the shadows, his presence a reminder of the League's collective power.

Shigaraki's lips curled into a sly grin as he turned his attention to Bakugou. "What do we do with her, Bakugou? She knows too much already."

Bakugou's response was cold, void of any sentiment. "I don't give a damn. Kill her." His words hung heavily in the air, a verdict that sent a shockwave through your already tumultuous emotions.

The world seemed to blur around you as the weight of Bakugou's words settled in. A sharp pang of disbelief and betrayal twisted your insides. Could he really have changed so drastically? But before your thoughts could fully form, Shigaraki's challenge interrupted your internal turmoil.

"Then you do it," Shigaraki's voice dripped with challenge, his eyes locked on Bakugou. "Besides, it will be like an initiation into the League."

As if compelled by the weight of Shigaraki's words, Bakugou began to approach you with a slow and deliberate pace. Every step felt like an eternity, your heart pounding as if in sync with his measured advance. You instinctively moved back, your back pressing against the cold wall. The room had grown stifling, your breaths coming in shallow gasps.

"Katsuki... how could you agree to do this?" Your voice trembled, a mixture of hurt and disbelief lacing your words. The pain in your chest intensified, threatening to overwhelm you. The reality of the situation had settled in - the person you knew, the person you cared for, was now standing on the precipice of causing you harm.

The smirk on Bakugou's face felt like a twisted mockery of your reality, a reminder of how far he had fallen. As if reading your thoughts, he spoke, his words a cruel confirmation of your fears. "That's right, baby. You are toast." His hands crackled with fiery sparks, his power on full display.

Frozen in place, you watched as he closed the distance between you, his hand snaking out to grab your forearms. Pain flared as his grip tightened, the sensation of burning leaving a searing mark on your skin. The agony was palpable, but it was a controlled infliction, a message that the threat of death loomed closer than you could have ever imagined.

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