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"Hello brothers."

Harry sat on his rocking chair, softly moving back and forth, a glass filled with blood in his right hand and book in his left. Niall stood to his left, leaning against the wall. 

There at the entrance to his humble home stood his two brothers which he had not seen for centuries. Edward, the scruffiest of the three - a large scar present across his face, from his eye to his collarbone. He had long hair, a small braid in the mix of all his curls. Then there was Marcel, one could easily mistake him for weak - however despite his faux glasses and perfectly styled jelled hair, Harry knew the vampire was ruthless - he could not remember how many innocents the man had beheaded. 

"Harold." Edward and Marcel stood their ground, moving into the home and letting the wind slam the door behind them. The sound echoed throughout the room as tension thickened in the air.

Harry stood to attention, glass and book now abandoned on the side table, "to what do I owe the pleasure now brothers. It's been what? 500 years? Not long enough if you ask me."

Harry chuckled, a fake laugh which emitted effortlessly. Neither Marcel or Edward laughed, their plain expression, if anything - dulled.

"Who is he." It was Edward who spoke, the scar moving as he spoke. Harry will never forget their fight, how he was the one to cause such a scar - for a vampire to scar, the injury must be horrendous.

Harry raised his eyebrow, looking between his brother Edward and Niall, "oh Niall. Well he's my padawan. Turned him myself, he is now forever in my debt."

Marcel took a step forward, now face to face with the resident vampire, "Harold there are rules regarding turning humans. Or have you gone rogue?"

Harry laughed, a deep rumble falling from his throat as he fell back into his rocking chair and took a sip of blood, "oh brothers. I'm a King remember. I don't need permission."

for the first time, Edward and Marcel's expression changed and both of them were hissing lightly, "you are no King. You abandoned the vampire Kingdom years ago in exchange for solitude. In this crummy human home."

Harry merely smirked, once again standing to his full height, "oh brother's that might be your opinion, but we all know the vampire Kingdom is innocently oblivious to my absence. In fact, they would still bow to me before either of you. Fear tactics never win a crowd, Marcel."

He spoke pointedly, as if to prove a point. It angered his unwanted visitors. Harry's words held truth. The only reason he had left his royal castle was because his hatred for his brothers had boiled to an extent he could no longer stand. So he chose his life of solitude in comparison to his royal and waitered life in his home-castle.

"So, do tell me dearest Marcel and Edward. Why are you here after so long?"

"There is going to be a war between vampire and werewolves. As unwelcome as you are amongst the both of us, you must return."

Harry smirked, "so you need me?"

Marcel hissed once again, he was riling him up, "we do not!"

"Then why must I return?" Harry's cocky expression grew, now leaning against the wall.

The bespectacled vampire once again responded, "Y-ugh. You are the one the people listen to."

"So you do need me." Harry raised his brows expectantly. Waiting for his brother's response. Both Marcel and Edward knew that the resident vampire was waiting for them to admit it, to say the words. Neither wanted to.

A low growl fell from Marcel's lips, and a defeated look passed across his features.


However before Marcel could finish his pride-less sentence, the window was falling open and a loud squeak like scream was filling the room as a body tumbled from the ledge and across the floor. 

The body ended up at all four vampire's feet. 

There in the mist of tension neither Niall, Harry, Marcel or Edward had recognised the heartbeat of a human nearby, that was until now - a small caramel haired boy, caught spying on them had fallen through the open window and was now rubbing his aching shoulder. A human boy.

Harry groaned, rubbing at his temple, helping the boy to his feet, "Louis. What poor timing my dearest brother was just about to admit that he is incapable and needs his superior brothers help." Harry paused, as Louis stared at him blankly, lip caught between his teeth, "I thought I told you to go home."

Edward stared curiously at the boy who returned the stare. Harry secretly wanted to kill Louis, if his brothers did not do it first; he had warned the boy to leave for a reason.

"Louis." It was Edward who spoke, "oh deary me Harold, don't tell me you like a human now."

The resident vampire let out a loud growl, pushing his brother harshly, naturally the vampire didn't budge, "he is a petulant boy who invited himself into my business."

Louis stood there, triangled between all three brothers. Before he could speak, he was now wrapped in one of their arms. It wasn't Harry, or Edward - it was the bespectacled vampire.

For the first time, turning to look at the man whose arms held him hostage, he saw fangs - a pair of sharp pointers retracting from the man's gums. He closed his eyes, letting out a scared squeak. But the impact never came, instead a voice drifted through his ears.

"Oh Harold, he does smell absolutely devine. Sweetest thing I've ever smelt. I wouldn't judge you. Much." 

Harry growled, Niall now standing to attention next to his superior, he assumed, worried that a fight may occur.

"I will never return to the castle with you. I would die before I stepped foot into that place."

Marcel and Edward, kept their chin high. Both locking eyes briefly before the former's fangs were  retracting back into his gums and smirks were presenting on both their features.

"Hmmm. We were worried this would be difficult." Edward mumbled.

Marcel sighed, "we knew you chose death."

This time, Edward was tapping Harry on the cheek, patronising him as he spoke, "but I'll put money on it. You won't chose little Louis' death."

Harry's eyes widened, as suddenly he watched Marcel effortlessly pick Louis up, as both he and Edward were racing at an inhuman speed.

Harry growled, turning to Niall, "seems it will be a chase.... just like our youth."

With that, he was racing after his brothers following the scent of the small human's sweet blood.

Would appreciate long-term ideas for this book. idk where its going.

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