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Louis wanted to go back the minute he left. Harry, an immortal - so beautiful, so intriguing and so mysterious. He wanted to wrap himself in his silk sheets and rub his soft feet against the equally as soft fur. He wanted to run his hands against the old hand-written books and read each of them a million times over. He wanted to revel in the creativity of the words and history of the architecture.  

He sat in the library, small laptop in front of him as his fingers danced over the keyboard with a spark of curiosity. 

How can somebody be immortal?

Louis almost scoffed at his own search. He was a bright boy, surely beyond such simplistic words, but how else could he ask the question?

A list appears after clicking the first link:

* Greco-Roman Mythical creatures

* Some fairies

* Some elves

* Vampires

* Phoenixes 

Louis is about to read more however his eyes flutter back to one point, vampire. Suddenly his mind is twinkling with images, collaborating and connecting everything. 

He makes a new search Vampire. 

"Mr Tomlinson, we aren't getting our fingers dirty with supernatural yet completely imaginary elements."

The small boy gasps, looking up, there stands his English teacher - a middle aged man with darker skin and pretty black hair. 

"No Sir. Just fascinated by um, myths?" It's a poor excuse but his teacher laughs nodding.

"Mmm, remember Louis. Don't let the older boy's push you into anything silly. Okay?"

Louis bites his lip, sending a small nod to his teacher, "never Sir."

Louis can't help but imagine how many years Harry has walked the Earth.

It excites him.


Just as the curly-haired man predicted, Louis was a little Kitty now more curious than before. He couldn't stay away. So, what seemed like a natural course of action - after school that day Louis found himself entering the home once again. This time, he is welcomed by a smirking Harry sitting on a rocking chair, slowly moving back and forth.

There are no words exchanged between them for seconds before eventually Louis is closing the door behind him and stepping fully inside, his eyes meet the green of Harry's and this time he speaks with confidence.

"You're a vampire."

The curly-haired man smirks, standing up to his full height of 6'4, now towering over the little human.

"What a smart boy. So why aren't you running now?"

Louis took another step towards Harry, "I'm not scared." Harry smiles softly, suddenly he's gone. Louis frowns, however within a second he's returning. 

He drops two blankets on the floor, one made of silk, the other fur. 

Louis bites his lip, "you noticed."

Harry can't help but chuckle, "I notice everything."

There is another silence before Louis makes a move which genuinely surprises the royal vampire. He begins to welcome himself into Harry's home further by walking towards the hallway, up the stairs and to his vast book shelves.

"Which is your favourite?"

Harry raises an eyebrow at Louis' confident question, the small boy places a hand on his hip.

"I think the real question you want to ask is, which of my books will give you the most answers to all those curious thoughts running through your little mind." Harry sends Louis a knowing glance. The boy's eyes drop.

"Well yes..."

Harry chuckled, he didn't respond instead within seconds he has the small boy cornered against the wall, his arms framing his face. 

"How bout I show you?"

Before Louis even has a chance to respond he's being picked up by the vampire, "I have super strength."

Soon Harry is running out of the house and through the dense forest behind it, he pauses, "super speed."

Louis squeals, gripping the man's neck with his next movement, "I can climb like an animal." Louis gasps, looking down from the height of the trees they stood on.

Within seconds, Harry has returned them to the ground, and they are stood back inside his 'humble' home, the vampire not even out of breath, "I'm one of three royal Original vampires. Never really got along with my two brothers so now i'm here. But if I so wish, every vampire on the planet would bow at my feet."

Louis bites his lips watching the vampire smirk.

"Oh but sweet thing most importantly, I drink human blood to survive."

Louis should leave and never come back, but he's too invested, too stubborn and most importantly too curious. It's in that moment that Harry stands straighter, nose pointed in the air as his ear perks in interest. 

He lets out a low growl, Louis watches as his jaw tightens.

"You need to leave sweet thing. You need to leave now."

Louis watches as Harry opens the front door, "trust me sweet thing, if what I am scenting in the air is correct, then we are about to get a visit from my ever so lovely brothers and trust me doll you don't want to be here when they arrive."

Louis never was good with being told what to do.

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