The sun glared obnoxiously through the windows, highlighting the dust which made a home on the benches of the untouched kitchen. The white marble floors reflected the light brightening the white walls with a glare as birds chirped from the trees. A single chair was knocked over, left fallen to the floor.

However, floating around the room was the tempting scent of a human. Harry groaned as he stood in the corner that the human boy from last night had knelt in. He leant against the walls sniffing the air as he let the smell of the boy fill his nostrils with adrenalin.

"Harry.... what are you doing?"

The vampire quickly turned to face the voice which had addressed him. It was none other than his friend Niall Horan. Niall was rather new for a vampire, Harry had turned him himself a mere 400 years ago. The blonde had seen Harry as his master, a teacher ever since then.

"You do not smell that?"

Niall moved towards Harry inhaling the scent which lingered through the air, his eyes widened, "christ, so sweet."

"The things I would do for his blood." Harry murmured shaking his head as he raced upstairs, Niall following him at a speed faster than light.

"Humans came? Last night?"

Harry stood in the middle of his bedroom, a distasteful look graced his face as he noticed his royal purple silk bed had been tampered with and sat on. The smell in his bedroom was not the same sweet smell of the kitchen, instead, smelt almost musky.

"Yes, two. I have not seen a human for three years. They have not dared enter my home. But two last night. A tall one, and a... sweet one." Harry paused, speeding into the lounge room, following his nose which led him to the sweet scent again.

Harry crouched at the couch, inhaling the scent once again.

"I must say, Niall, I did very much enjoy scaring them, one of my best ever. Poor sweet one, ran crying."

The blonde who had followed his friend laughed. Over four hundred years he had learnt that Harry Styles enjoyed frightening humans with his supernatural powers. Never once did he let himself be seen by them, never once did he reveal themselves to them - and that was what made it fun. He left them scared, and they never returned.

Harry finally stood to his full height of 6'4, sighing at the smell once more before racing to the kitchen and returning with two blood bags. He chucked one to Niall, who was quick to bite the lid off, sucking until he had his fix flowing down his throat.

His skin glistened as the sun streamed into the home through the curtains. Harry groaned, stepping into the shaded spot of the room. Vampires, contrary to popular belief, do not burn in the sunlight, they merely share an instinctual dislike for it.

"It is so easy to scare a human, moving at the speed of light, they cannot see you even if you run right past them. Oh, how it is beginning to bore me. Cooped up in my humble home for the past 102 years. I do miss my throne and the pretty necks I had to choose from."

Niall smirked, "then go back."

Harry was one of three original vampires; Edward, Marcel and himself. All ruled the vampire kingdom together, they were Kings, masters to the vampire species. Praised and spoilt as all vampires submitted beneath their knees.

"And return to my brothers? How amusing."

Neither Atlas, Spike or Harry could ever agree. Harry was not used to the word no, and hearing it from their mouths so often enraged him.

"Ugh." Harry groaned, "begone Niall for you are stealing the sweet scent which still lingers."

Niall rolled his eyes, before silently and without a word leaving at a speed no human could see or compete with. Purposefully leaving the door open as he exit.

"Bastard," Harry mumbled, perfectly aware the blonde would still hear him.

He was left once again alone to his own means, this time desperately searching for any area of his home which the sweet scent dared linger.

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