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"Well wasn't that entire encounter rather... pointless." Niall muttered, elbows resting on the the marble bar in Harry's kitchen. 

The vampire poured two martini glasses filled with blood, popping a cube of ice in both before handing one to the blonde. Harry smirked tipping his glass back before wiping his mouth with a blink.

"Oh no, now I have Louis even more curious than before. He's a little kitty that can't stop poking his nose where it shouldn't be." 

Niall considered rolling his eyes at the superior, "may I ask what your intentions are however? To drain him? To turn him?"

Harry's eyebrow twitched, he truly could not answer that himself, "I don't want to hurt him."

That's all that Harry knew, couldn't say anything else.

Niall muttered a confused profanity, "that goes against everything you have ever done in your life."

Harry let out a loud almost fake laugh, "oh dearest Niall. Who could ever hurt a little kitty?"

The blonde sent Harry a pointed look, "you."

However before the superior vampire can snap back he hears the door of his humble home opening, he and Niall share a look before disappearing into the shadows and stalking towards the noise.

Harry takes a deep breath, and immediately he is taken back by the scent, he wishes he didn't take in the smell which was welcomed in by the uninvited guest.

It wasn't Louis, however the smell remained familiar.

Niall shared a look with Harry, "werewolf."

A low growl fell from both vampires mouths as the hastily and stealthily searched for the scent which was now spreading through the run-down house.

Within a moment they had discovered the culprit, a raven-haired boy - the same boy Harry remembered entering his home weeks ago. Before the superior could send orders, the blonde was charging at the boy, pinning him to the wall.

"Filthy wolf you dare enter the house of a vampire."

Harry walked closer, watching the encounter closely. 

The raven-haired boy let out an animalistic growl, pushing at the blonde's shoulder, the vampire didn't budge. 

Niall inhaled the stench of the wolf once more, "you dare come here knowing you are weak, there is no way you presented more than a month ago."

Harry smirked, because now inhaling the scent he could smell the distinct difference between an elder wolf and this pup before him. Most werewolves presented in their early teens, this boy seemed to be a later bloomer.

For the first time this intruder speaks up, "what are you doing with Louis!"

Harry chuckles, effortlessly pushing Niall to the side and pushing his hand against the boy's neck, "oh what a hero. Don't tell me you're into the boy? A werewolf and a human, what a love story." 

The vampire effortlessly picked the boy up, sending him flying into the lounge room wall. Niall rolled his eyes at his superiors actions, now noticing the dent in the wall as the wolf rubbed his head.

"I don't want you near him again." The olive-skinned boy growled out, standing back up.

Harry chuckled, "oh wolfie, do you really think you're in a position to demand things like that?" The vampire forced the boy to his knees again, sending him to the ground with a grunt.

There was no response, Niall walked towards the two, his martini glass in hand once again. He watched the encounter with curiosity and a glimmer of entertainment in his eyes.

"So Louis huh, what you two lovers?"

The raven-haired man, jaw locked with anger rolled his eyes, not meeting the vampire's stare, "best friends you dickhead."

Harry chuckled, "oh Niall, he is trying to be intimidating, it's too cute." The blonde chuckled. Eventually the vampire pulled the  werewolf to his feet, "but the real question is, what do we do with you. I'm really not one for werewolf blood, fowl. But I'm sure I can find someone who is."

Harry enjoyed the worried look which flashed past his features, "no, you're just a wee baby wolf aren't you. I could never-" 

Before Harry could finish he was interrupted by Niall, "oh yes you could."

The superior raised his eyebrows, a smirk making its way onto the man's lips, "oh shush Niall don't be so bash. Now wolfie, how bout you run back to your little best friend, sweet sweet Louis - don't tell him a thing about this encounter and keep him nice and safe for me. Or else I might just have to come after your entire pack, you wouldn't want that would you? Wouldn't want me to kill them all and leave you alive would you?"

The werewolf didn't reply.

Harry smirked knowing he had won, "run along. Run run."

With that werewolf, although reluctant was racing out the door with a low growl.


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