Mermaid Lagoon

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"He's the prince, Aggie!" Sophie gushed.

Sophie was telling Agatha all a bout the boy she just met, who turned out to be some sea prince. In all honesty Agatha didn't even hear his name.

"We're going to be married!" Sophie exclaimed.

Agatha's eyes grew wide. "He already asked you!"

"Oh, he doesn't know yet." She winked.

Agatha rolled her eyes.

How could Sophie be in love with someone see just met! Like love only lasted a glance.

"Come on. I told Kiko I'd meet her at Mermaid Lagoon." Agatha said, swimming out of the room

"You don't even care about my prince. do you?" Sophie said, hurrying to keep up with her friend. "I bet you don't even remember his name!"

"Oh! Sure I do, Sophie!" Agatha said. "It was... ah... it was... It was Denzo!"

Sophie groaned. "His name was Denzel!"

"Fine, Fine." Agatha gave in. "But I was closer than usual!"

Sophie giggled. "Good job, Aggie."

The two girls continued to the surface to meet Kiko at the lagoon.


"Aggie!" Kiko exclaimed and pulled Agatha into a big bear hug. She turned to Sophie and smiled. "And you."

The two girls pulled themselves onto the rocks with the other mermaids.

Agatha found a point shell and started to comb her hair, like the rest of the pod.

"Did you guys hear? About the Prince of Camelot?"

Agatha's head whipped towards Beatrix. "What about him?"

Beatrix looked like she would explode with excitement. "Reena, Millie and I saw him at Pirate Cove!"

Agatha raised an eyebrow. "Why is there a human Prince in Neverland?"

"No idea!" Millicent said. "But he's totally gorgeous!"

Agatha rolled her eyes. "Because that's all that matters."

"I know!" Reena gushed. She clearly didn't pick up on the fact that Agatha was being sarcastic.

"What were you all doing in Pirate Cove?" Sophie asked.

"The dolphins told us they saw the prince there so we went." Millicent said.

"And seeing a prince is worth the risk being captured be pirates?" Agatha sniffed.

"We were careful!" Beatrix argued. "And yes, yes it is."

Kiko gasped. "Maybe he's looking for a maiden to court!"

"Oh! I hope he'll except Mermaidens!" Millicent giggled.

"Doubt it." Agatha mumbled.

Beatrix ignored her. "He'll surely pick the fairest of them all!" She was now examining her reflection in a hand mirror.

"I'm sure he will," Sophie challenged.

Agatha frowned. "Forgotten about Denzo, have we?"

"It's Denzel!" Sophie snapped.

The mermaids heard a twinkling behind them. They all turned to see Tinkerbell frantically signalling at them. None of them new what she was doing. None of them spoke fairy.

"Tink?" Agatha wheezed. "Calm down. What is it?"

She was still making frantic signals at them.

"Somethings wrong..." Kiko panicked.

"We should dive!" Agatha said.

"No she might be trying to tell us something!" Beatrix said.

"But what if the pirates are coming!" Agatha reasoned. She turned to tinkerbell. "Tink, is that what it is? Pirates?"

She shook her head vigorously.

They started to hear shouting from the entrance of the lagoon, where the lagoon meets the ocean.

They all turned to see one of Camelot's ship drawing into the lagoon, heading straight for them.

"The prince!" Sophie exclaimed.

"He'll help us!" Beatrix beamed.

Agatha swallowed. "I don't have a good feeling about this..."

"Don't be such a worry wart, Agatha!" Kiko smiled. "It's alright!"

Agatha turned to Tinkerbell. She was still frantically dancing around for their attention and twinkling like a like winged bell.

"Tink is telling us otherwise!" Agatha yelled.

All of the mermaids turned to the fairy. She lit up when she saw their eyes on her, and she started signaling for them to dive.

A canon shot came from the boat in their direction. It missed.

Agatha swivelled to her friends. "Dive!" She cried.

All of them obeyed.

The pod swam underneath the boat to avoid being seen. They used there tails to try and break the wood of the boat, to make it sink. Planks started to break, but it wasn't enough. As the girls continued to bat the boat with their tails, Agatha and Sophie both swam up the get a view of the crew.

"Why are they attacking us!" Sophie said as she and Agatha surfaced.

Agatha glared up at the crew, that were yet to notice them. "I have no idea."

The other mermaids started to bob up around them.

"This is insane!" Kiko cried. Maybe she was a little too loud, because the whole crew, turned to them.

"There they are!" Cried a red haired boy.

The crew through nets of the boat and it swept toward them. They all scattered, and luckily none of them were caught.

The mermaids all resurfaced at different places around the boat to through them off. Sophie was facing the wrong way when she came up, so she didn't see when the net swept straight towards her.

But Agatha did.

Fast as lightning she swam to push her friend out of the way. As she reached her thrust her hands out and pushed Sophie out of the way of the net.

Agatha sighed in relief.

Her relief came too soon.

The net was meters away, then the next thing she knew it was surrounding her and she was rising out of the water.

All of the mermaids jumped out of the lagoon and grabbed hold of the net that held a screaming Agatha.

They started to weigh it down, but the crew on board were too strong, the pod started to rise towards the deck, bodies dangling off the net.

"LET GO!" Agatha screamed.

"What? We can't they'll get you!" Sophie sobbed.

Agatha sniffled. "It's fine! Let go and you will be safe!"

"NO!" They all cried.

"I'm sorry." Agatha whispered. Then started swinging around in the net, causing all of the mermaids to fall to the water, as she rose to her own doom.

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