The officer stepped in front of me, leading me down a narrow hallway. My heart rate spiked, feeling a fear of a cliche horror movie. "We have the best forensics team in the state here taking a look over everything. Everyone else has gotten their samples and left to send them to the lab, but one remains and I believe she would like to speak with you." He tapped his knuckles on one of the doors that was barely cracked open.

"Come in," a rough but feminine voice answered. "I think I've gotten all the clues I can from this room."

The officer and I stepped inside. A large bed  was placed against the corner of the wall, the striped blue sheets and blankets made up neatly. A dresser, a side table, a medium sized rug, a small trash can, and old brown curtains were all I could see. It looked so.. normal. Nothing I would have expected from a killer, but honestly I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

The woman approached me, pulling off the glove from her right hand. "Forensic Scientist, Brown." She said, offering her hand to me. I offered my own and gave a firm handshake. "(Y/n)," I replied shortly, giving another weary glance around the room. "So.. do you know who he is?" I asked, a tint of nervousness in my voice. She withdrew her hand and gave a slight sigh. "We honestly have no idea," she said shaking her head slightly, taking off the other rubber glove and tossing it into the nearby trash can. "None of his fingerprints are matching anything in the system. We took blood samples from your apartment as well as hair follicles but those tests haven't come back yet."

An overwhelming feeling of hopelessness washed over me. Sure, he was dead, but I still wanted to know who he was. "We did find a few photos," she continued, reaching for a brown package envelope on the dresser. "Take a look."

I hesitantly took the envelope, opening it to find a few small photos wrapped in little plastic bags. Pulling one out, I almost dropped to my knees.


The same shaggy brown hair. Those piercing eyes, thin face.

"Do you know this man?" The male officer prompted, pulling me from my thoughts. "I.. don't," I said, pushing my eyebrows together as I stared at the photo. "I honestly didn't know he lived here until a few weeks ago. He was taking out his trash very, very late at night and it seemed a bit odd. We got into a small altercation over Baxter and i hadn't seen him since."

Brown stared at me with a sympathetic look on her face. "I believe there's more you need to see," she said, holding out her hand for me to return the envelope. I shoved the photo back inside and handed it over. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" The male officer asked. Brown nodded in response.

"You see, ma'am. I don't think the break in was completely spontaneous," she said. She pulled a smaller envelope from the inside pocket of her jacket. "We believe this man has targeted you and was just waiting for his time to attack."

"What makes you think that?" I blurted. "I never spoke to him other than the one time, I don't even know his nam-"

She offered the smaller envelope, which I nearly ripped open. The photos were of something that looked like it was from a horror movie. Numerous photos of me were taped to a wall, small notes written on some of them that I couldn't quite make out. The photos were of me walking Baxter, me through open windows of my apartment, me at grocery stores, at work, in cars. My heart sank, who knows how long this creep had been stalking me.

"Wait a second," the male officer said. "You said he was taking out the trash.. what did the bag look like?" I looked at him with a confused look on my face. "Um.. it looked like a trash bag?" I replied, more as a question than an answer.

"We found that bag out near the woods." Be replied. "He didn't throw it away, he left it for us to find. It was full of.. clothes. Hair, jewelery, watches, things like that."

"I-I don't understand," I said, handing the photos back to Brown. She tucked them away back inside of her jacket. "This man was a killer," she interrupted. "He would kill and eat his victims, aside from the clothing and such, of course. The fridge and deep freezer we removed were full of.." she trailed off, leaving me to assume.

"Why would he just leave that stuff instead of getting rid of it? Did he want to get caught?" I asked, pushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Brown shook her head. "I don't think so. He took the lives of many, at this point I can only assume he was cocky and lazy, assuming he wouldn't get caught since he's gone this long under our radar. He always went after people that were loners, people that normally wouldn't have someone to report them missing."

I crossed my arms over my chest, at this point realizing that this man had no links to a family and preyed upon anyone he assumed was the same. Would anyone have even noticed if he.. killed me? Would anyone have cared to come by and check on me if they hadn't heard from me?

"Let's go outside. I still have a few questions for you, miss," the officer said. The smell of death must have been taking it's toll on him and I happily agreed. My eyes wandered across all of this man's belongings as we left, wishing I could set everything up in flames. That's all the bastard deserved.

I hope he rots in hell.

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