i guess i fell asleep in the car on the way to the farm because we were going up the driveway when i woke up. sam was telling the camera where we were, the backstory on the farm and what we were doing.

"guys, before we go in there, i have a rose quartz crystal for each of you that's supposed to protect your heart. i don't care if you don't believe in it, i just want to try to make sure everyone is safe." i told them, handing a little pink crystal to each of my closest friends. i had made sure that lexi and i always each had a rose quartz crystal on us when we'd go to places like this.

we all got out of the car, colby immediately holding my hand. i was vlogging just a bit for my channel but i would give my good or scary footage to sam and colby if i got any.

"okay let's all try to stick together tonight." sam told everyone.

colby took it upon himself to walk in the front of the group. i was clinging on his arm right behind him because i didn't get good vibes from this place.

we went into the first room from the door which happened to be the dining room. broken plates and china were shattered on the floor, the table still standing.

mya skipped out on coming with us for this excursion. i couldn't blame her though... i would be freaked out by this had i not been doing it most of my life.

we were all kind of spaced out but i stayed right next to colby the whole time.

"are you okay?" colby whispered to me, noticing how clingy i was being. normally i wasn't scared of doing things like this but i just had really really bad vibes from this farm house.

"yeah. bad vibes." i whispered back to which he nodded to, putting his arm around my back.

i wasn't really physic or anything crazy but i could pick up on vibes like no other. and this place did not have good vibes. i clutched onto my crystal, feeling the reassurance of my late best friend. i smiled up to the sky, knowing that lexi was my guardian angel.

we eventually moved onto the kitchen. the cabinets had obviously been raided through by teenage locals who had come here to explore it. there were medicine bottles scattered on the table. i picked one up, reading it.

"midge r. swink must have been one of the people in the photo. i wonder if she passed from TB. the meds for her are still in here." i said, referring to the picture of two young girls along side their mother and father.

the living room had a single blue plaid couch and a rocking chair. there was no tv or even a spot for a tv. it truly looked like it was pre technology.

we eventually went up the stairs and into the first door which happened to be a young girls room.

there were many pictures around in the room of the one little girl. probably no older than 14. there was a stack of papers on the dusty desk that all read midge r swink.

we moved on to the next room, which we assumed belonged to victoria a swink. she must have been slightly older than her sister, midge.

her room had much better vibes but was still sketching me out.

when we finished going through the rest of the upstairs, we went back downstairs.

"hey guys, look. there's a basement." jake pointed out.

i rolled my eyes at his discovery because i knew sam and colby would want to go down. so that's exactly what we did.

sam led the way, kat right behind him. then it was colby and i in the line. colby had my right hand gripped in his and mikey was holding onto my left hand, knowing i wasn't comfortable here.

xplr ; colby brockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin