15 3 0

WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?! I AM LITERALLY DOOMED! Why of all the people that I might meet this day, should be my boss?! WHY?! I'm going to be fired, and I will be broke, I will suffer poverty, I will steal and get caught, then I will die......NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! I WILL NOT!

I'm going to apologize to him tomorrow, and if he don't accept my apology, I'm going to beg....Nope,I will not beg him, maybe I should just retire myself, in that way my dignity will still be intact. Yes, that is what I'm going to do and my decision is final! PERIOD.

                                                           ~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~

GOD! I'm so nervous! I should clear my mind or else I will wreck my plan

I should get going now (grabs a cab)

I gave the cab driver the ride fair and didn't bother for the change. I hurriedly go to the elevator and press the top floor bottom of the company, I will not be in a hurry if my stupidity didn't strike me awhile ago. I'm not just hurrying because I know that I will be fired, the other reason is  I'M FREAKING LATE FOR WORK!


I'm here now and I can feel my heart beating so fast, gosh should I come in now or wait until he call me? I'm silently praying in my mind, hoping that  I wil not get fired, because even though I said that I'm going to retire myself I didn't mean it! I'm debating with my inner self when he called me to come in


*****************TO BE CONTINUED******************

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~Danke und Viele Liebe

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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