"Thanks." I said

"You should have some breakfast." He suggested but I shook my head.

"No, I've wasted your time enough. You should do your work." I tried to be nice because I felt guilty with everything I put him through. I wasn't his responsibility. 

"Don't tell me what to do, little girl." He ordered. I sighed and got up following him to the kitchen. 

He made some scrambled eggs on toast, and gave me a glass of water which my body definitely craved. Dehydration is one of the main causes of a hangover so nothing can help as much as water can. 

After I ate I brushed my teeth with his toothbrush because my breath smelled horribly, and I washed my face. Sage continued his work and I decided not to disturb him so I laid quietly on the sofa, and stayed on my phone. It felt good that Sage took care of me, it showed that he cared. However I was really ashamed that he saw me like that.


Lorenzo and I were sitting on my bedroom bed and discussing the previous night. 

"I really wish we hadn't involved Sage..." I sighed.

"Well I had no choice." He said while playing with one of my painting brushes which he found on the bedside table. I got up to turn on the fan as it was too hot.

"I'm so dumb." I replied.

"Why?" His question made me role my eyes. Sometimes he had no common sense.

"Because I embarrassed myself! And also disturbed his night..." My tone was an upset one.

"Chill Violet, you're overthinking it." I decided to give up arguing, because as mature as he was, Lorenzo was still a guy and guys don't care about such things. 

"So last night Harry's dad saw us kiss..." He changed the subject and I opened my eyes wide in surprise. This explained why he didn't bother much about my embarrassment with Sage. 

What I didn't mention earlier about my brother is that he is bisexual but more towards being homosexual than straight. Every now and then he would feel attracted to a girl but he mostly liked guys. His sexuality was a sensitive subject because he was still trying to figure it out himself. That is why I rarely asked questions and that is also the reason why he is so open minded especially in the case of Sage and me.

"Omg, and you didn't tell me anything! What happened exactly?" I raised my tone and prepared to listen intently. 

"Well we were both quite tipsy, him more than me, so I decided to walk him home. It was quite late and we didn't think someone might be up, plus with the alcohol we weren't careful as we usually are. We kissed before saying bye, it was just a peck, but still...his dad was on the window and saw us." He explained, this time not playing with my brush.

"Did he say something?" I asked and he shook his head.

"He turned away and I left. Harry was uneasy about entering the house but in the end he did. I still have no clue what happened, he said he'll come by today to tell me." I couldn't understand how he could be so calm, even I was eating myself inside with all the curiosity and impatience.

"That's quite a night, I'm dying to find out what happened." I commented.

"Me too. I couldn't sleep all night, and he didn't respond to my calls and messages till this morning. I'm exhausted." This in a way explained why he wasn't as impatient. He was too tired. 

"It's funny how now we are both in relationships which we have to hide." The irony of it just crossed my mind. Our family didn't know about his sexuality. As I mentioned, they are too stuck up in their ways.

"Yeah we're on a good we to get kicked out of the house." We both laughed at this and then I went up to the attic to continue working on Sage's painting. 


As we all ate our lunch at home, my mother brought up the topic about Sage. Everyone engaged into discussing how introverted he is but my aunt pointed out with pride that he was very friendly with us unlike with other neighbours. 

"I wonder why." Lorenzo jokingly whispered to my ear. 

"When is your painting going to be ready Violet?" My mother asked.

"In about a week." I put a whole potato in my mouth and enjoyed its taste. I loved potatoes and I always ate them like a piglet. 

"Sage said he'll invite the whole neighbourhood over for dinner in order to present the painting and use it as an opportunity to meet everyone." I stopped chewing my potato and almost choked on it. Present my painting?! How dare he not inform me about it! I hated any sort of publicity when it came to my paintings, it wasn't even my idea to paint for someone else in the first place. But I was forced by my mother. 


Once we ate I went by to Sage's house and knocked really hard on the door. He opened it a couple of seconds later and found me standing pissed.

"For such a small person you knock very loudly." He laughed.

"Stop it Sage! How could you decide to present my painting to everyone?" I started shouting and when he realised what it was all about he moved me inside so no one would listen.

"You need to calm down." He wore his usual blue satin robe.

"No! You know very well that I don't exhibit my paintings or paint for other people, but for you I made an exception, and now you take the right to do this!" I was in disbelief. One would say I was overreacting but my paintings were personal and full of emotion, and even though one wouldn't recognise it unless they are very artistic themselves, I still didn't want them out there.

"I'm only doing it because I believe in your talent and it should be put out there."  He remained calm.

"That it is for me to decide." I continued.

"You'll thank me one day." He smiled and lightly pushed me towards he door. Practically he made me leave and I stood in front of the, now closed, entrance door in disbelief. His word was final.

I'm one day late with the update so I made it longer. What I like to do when I'm writing a story is draft every chapter before publishing it and then rewrite it better. Like that I avoid writer's block once I start publishing the updates. Enjoy this one! Xo

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