Isn't It a Little Late...

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I put on a lipstick to finish my look and sprayed on some perfume. I put on a little black dress which was very tight but it suited me. I wore high heels and was finally ready to meet Stefan.

"You look beautiful but slutty." My brother told me while I was getting ready to descend the long ladder that was leaned on the back of our house, near the window of my bedroom.

"Call me if something goes wrong." I told him ignoring his comment.

He held the ladder through the window. I passed through it and started descending. Sage's garden was right behind me but luckily he was nowhere to be seen. I carefully sneaked out onto the street and walked out of it. Stefan was waiting for me in his car.

"You look gorgeous." He said as I got in. "Thank you."

He turned on the car and started driving. We had a small talk. The party we were going to was organised by some girl from our school. She lived in a very big house and her parents were abroad so she invited a lot of people. We talked casually during the ride, nothing special. At one point we were silent and he gripped my thigh. I found it to be a little forward but I didn't mind it as I expected something to happen between us that night.

Stefan parked his car near the house and we walked in together. We came an hour later so there were already some drunk people jumping into the pool. Some were making out, some were chatting, some seemed lonely, some were still sober. Almost immediately some of Stefan's friends started greeting us and we all went into a random room and sat down. I felt good because I was mostly alone at school. I had a small group of friends with whom I stayed during some breaks just not to be alone, but we weren't real friends.

His friend Matthias brought us drinks and the girl who threw the party came to greet us. There were only guys around me so she asked me to come with her and meet her other girls. Stefan said he would find me later so I went. I honestly didn't feel very comfortable in the clothes I was wearing. I liked to wear sexy stuff but this was plain provocative. However that was all I could wear to blend with Stefan's group. At least other girls were similarly dressed. I know I should have been myself but I also really wanted to be part of this group.

I met three more girls and we sat in one of the bedrooms. They were super fake. Their friendships seemed fake too. They treated me as if they knew me their whole life, but it wasn't in that good, genuine way but rather in a forced one. They talked about boys and I was only pretending to listen. Their topics bored me so my mind was elsewhere. It was only when one of them asked me about Stefan that I started talking myself.

"So how long have Stefan and you been dating?" The black-haired one asked.

"We aren't dating." I replied. However, I was sure that would change this night.

"You can tell us. We won't tell." She assured me and the other nodded. Still, I was one hundred percent sure that if I told them something it would spread.

"It's the truth. We are just friends." I insisted.

"Well, if something happens be careful because he's a cheater." Another girl spoke.

"Okay." I answered shortly. They were so inquisitive and that bothered me.

"I know because he's my ex." She continued. I didn't want to be rude but I also didn't want to talk about this. I just kept on nodding. The things she was saying about him showed that she clearly wasn't over it so that made me feel uncomfortable. Luckily, someone knocked on the door and it was Stefan. He called me to come with him.

"Did you like them?" He asked about the girls.

"They are nice, but too much drama to keep up with." He laughed. I had no idea where we were going and I didn't ask.

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