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|Xander Benjamin Johnson|

We were still looking at the pink Jeep with curiosity

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We were still looking at the pink Jeep with curiosity. Then a light skin broad hopped out of the car.

"Ouu that's my baby," Rico said while biting his lip.

"Nigga I know you ain't hitting that." One of my men said.

The light skin girl walked over here and stopped in front of Rico and tooted her lips.

"Where the fuck you been Rico?!" She said while crossing her arms.

"Watch your fucking mouth," Rico said while standing up.

"Nigga you watch your fucking mouth." She said while tooting her lips.

"Mann, stop acting like that I miss you," Rico said while holding his arms out.

She jumped into his arms, while we all looked at them weirdly.

"So what y'all been up to?" Said the light-skin broad.

"Shit nothing, who are you to my boy." Said Rashawn.

"Shit I better be his girlfriend, or we are gone be fighting." She said while smiling. Everybody laughed at her.

"Guh you crazy, but I love crazy," Rico said while smirking.

We heard someone clear they're throat and seen Yolanda and her friend with mugs on they face.

"Um, do y'all have a fucking problem?" Said the light skin girl who we learned her name was Jasmine.

"Um yes, we do. Why you got your hands on my friend man?" Said Yolanda's friend.

Jasmine looked at her then laughed, liked a crazy woman.

She got up and snatched Yolanda and her friend up and start popping both of them.

|Zahara Faith Carter|

|Zahara Faith Carter|

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