Chapter 130 - I Thought Nobody's Perfect

Start from the beginning

"Hmmm... 30 minutes you say? I think I cannot wait for that long.CEO Xing might need some assistance. I think I have to go back now." Secretary Mo said.

Xing Yin slightly nodded her head to show her agreement.

"Okay, Miss Yin. I'll be heading back now. See you there." Secretary Mo then left the room while accompanied by Aunt Hee.

"Don't worry, Miss Xing. You won't be late to the party. Since you are a natural beauty, putting makeup won't take much time."

"The same goes for your hair as well. Your hair is easy to style."

"Aww... Aren't you guys the sweetest? Don't worry, I'll pay extra!" Xing Yin said as she sweetly smiled at them flashing her perfect set of white teeth.

Soon after twenty minutes had expired, they were done with the preparations.

The makeup artist and hairstylist giggled as their hearts jumped with joy as they stared at the goddess before them.

"Wow, you really did a great job!" Xing Yin was very pleased when she saw how beautiful she was.

She even blinked a few times just to make sure if her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

"You are so gorgeous, Yin! You look like a younger version of your mother!" Aunt Hee voiced out her admiration for Xing Yin.

"You think so, Aunt Hee?" Xing Yin then stood up and checked herself in front of the mirror.

She carefully examined herself from head to foot, making sure that all the details of her look were perfect.

After she felt satisfied with her godly looks, she gave them their payment as well as the added bonus.

The two were very happy to receive such a lofty amount of money.

The payment Xing Yin gave them was actually 5x of the original charge.

Aside from being a true beauty, the lady also had a generous heart!

Was she even for real? Right after receiving the payment, the two ate the snacks, Aunt Hee prepared for them before they left the Villa.

Thinking that it was too early for her to go to the venue of the party, Xing Yin volunteered to take Aunt Hee to their house.

Aung Hee refused, she told Xing Yin that there was no need for her to bother herself with her and that her father needed her to the party, she better not be late.

But Xing Yin insisted Aunt Hee, can only sigh and accept Xing Yin's offer reluctantly.

Aunt Hee hurriedly packed her things as to not make Xing Yin wait for her.

In less than 10 minutes she was ready to go home.

Aunt Hee and Xing Yin then left the house at exactly 5 pm.

There was no traffic that afternoon so they were able to reach Pínqiông Village faster and with ease.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the village, Xing Yin instructed her driver to get the car inside so that Aunt Hee didn't have to walk.

However, Aunt Hee refused and this time made sure that Xing Yin will listen to her.

She reasoned that if a nice car will enter the village, people will gather around it out of curiosity, they might find themselves in a difficult situation if they will not heed her warning.

Since Xing Yin was convinced by Aunt Hee's worried look on her face, she agreed not to get the car inside the village anymore.

However, she asked her driver to walk Aunt Hee in an carry her things for her.

Soon Xing Yin was left alone inside the car, and just like what Aunt Hee had told her, some people who saw the luxurious car started to gather around it to admire the design.

Xing Yin somehow became nervous because she felt like she was suddenly in a horror movie and surrounded by zombies.

However, upon staring at the people outside, her fear turned to sadness.

Life was indeed unfair, she who was born in a wealthy family didn't experience any financial hardships while these people she was staring at outside the heavily tinted window glass of the car were covered in dirt and despair.

Xing Yin sighed deeply as she promised to create a foundation under her mother's name to help the needy. Right in the middle of her contemplation, her driver arrived.

He didn't get to the car right away though, due to the increasing crowd of people gathering around the latest model of audi.

Luckily, the driver had managed to slip past through the crowd and got in the car.

"Looks like we'll have a hard time getting out of this place out, Miss." The driver's voice was full of worry. "I should have listened to Aunt Hee earlier."

" Xing Yin sighed loudly as she thought of a way for them to get out."

"Huh? Who's that teenager?"

The driver asked as he stretched his neck out to see who was the boy outside that was making the crowd move away.

Xing Yin moved her head and widened her eyes to see who the boy outside was.

"Is that Yuvin?" Xin Yin said as she squinted her eyes to better focus on the person's face.

She then opened her window and yelled.

"Yuvin! Happy advance birthday!" Xing Yin waved her hand out and brightly smiled at Yuvin.

"Miss Xing Yin, thank you." The shy boy sent out a fleeting smile as he continued to make a way for them.

"Thanks, Yuvin!" Xing Yin yelled again when they were able to move the car forward.

As soon as the car had left the villa entrance, the crowd started to gather around the young boy.

"Who's that?"

"Wow! To have a goddess greet you happy birthday, this boy must have been blessed by the stars."

Instead of answering the people's queries, Yuvin ignored them all as he walked inside the village with a happy heart.

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