Wang Reiji said as she walked out the room and went to the dining area.

Soon after Wang Reiji had left the room, Hanzo and Gianna exchanged glares at each other before heading to the dining area as well.



The sound that the slap made had radiated across one of the boardrooms of HPA.

It was then followed by strings of harsh words from the angered Huang Xur.

"You imbecile! Am I not paying you enough to give me these kinds of report?! You only have one job, Beta unit leader! One job! You just have to find prosecutor Zhang!"

Huang Xur growled at her subordinate after he told her that his team still haven't found Zhang Chenric's whereabouts.

"The date for the event is fast approaching, yet no news about him?! How about I fire you all for being incompetent?!"

"No, Lady Xur. Please give my team another chance. Please give us one day more to investigate. I promise, we will not go back empty-handed."

Instead of listening to the poor guy's pleads, Huang Xur laughed like a mad woman as she grabbed the guy's face, cutting a portion of his cheeks with her sharp nails.

"How long have you been telling me that, unit leader? How many more chances must I give you before you stop failing me?"

After asking the man her questions, she then released the guy from her grasp, ignoring the bleeding cheeks of the unit leader.

"But since I am a generous person... I will give you one last chance, unit leader." Huang Xur said as she smiled deviously at him.

🔘Chapter 92 — Fugitive

"Thank you, Lady Xur! My team and I won't fail you this time. We'll definitely find Prosecutor Zhang."

"Then, what the hell are you waiting for?! Just go already and stop wasting time!" Huang Xur yelled at the unit leader.

As soon as the unit leader got his permission to leave, he immediately stormed out of the room to assemble with his team.

Few moments after the unit leader left, Huang Xur used the intercom and in a cold tone she spoke;

"Tell Arthur to get rid of the Beta Unit and stage their death as if it was an accident."

Though terrified of what she heard, the person on the other line managed to relay the Lady boss' message even if it was against her morals.

She had no choice but to follow the order or she'll be the one to die in their stead.


"Uhmm, big sis. I am just really curious, who is this Huang Xur and why do you want me to spy on her?"

Gianna asked as she chewed and swallowed a roasted butterfly prawn.

"Hold on, let me drink some liquor first." Wang Reiji said as she took a sip of her beer. She then inhaled deeply before she started telling something about the target.

"When I first met Huang Xur, she was an assistant in the prosecutor office -- she was the legal assistant of General Prosecutor Zhang Jun."

Hanzo almost choked himself with a piece of chicken meat when he heard the prosecutor's name.

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