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I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes.i scrunched my face up once i seen ava drooling on my chest

I pushed her off me as she wined tossing and turning in her sleep

I checked my phone seeing it was going on 10:30 i shook ava as she slapped my arm away rubbing her eyes

You wanna go to school mamas its going on 10: 30 i said

No she said. Trying to kiss me

Uh un go brush yo teeth yo breath stank i said

Yo breath stank nigga she mugged sitting up

Don't get mad at me cause yo breath stank i mugged back

Yo breath stank too soo it don't matter gimme a kiss she pouted

Ava no bro i said

She huffed standing up. I laughed as she walked in the bathroom.

I got up going in milly room she was sprawled out with her curly hair all in her face.

Milly baby wake up i said patting her leg

No i wanna sleep she wined

You don't want breakfast i asked

She shot up smiling

Go brush your teeth then meet me downstairs i said

She nodded as i went to brush my teeth and wash my face

Babe ava smiled wrapping her arms  around me.

Yes ma ma i said

I love you she smiled biting her lip

I looked at her through the mirror cheesing

I love you too baby i said facing her

She pulled me down kissing my lips

Muahhh i said giving her a big  kiss on the lips

She smiled as i wrapped my arms around her kissing her face

You want breakfast i asked

Mhm she said

Aight lemme go cook for my babies i said

She stepped back as i walked pass her. I jumped feeling her grab my butt

Aye what i tell you bout dat i yelled mugging her

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