Chapter 56 - You're Ruining Our Plans!

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"We also have homemade pizza. Come join us for dinner, bro." Wang Reiji said in between bites of pizza.

"So, did you manage to get your shoe back?" Wang Reiji asked.

A while ago, Europa told her mother about the incident at the Golden Scale and how her Uncle Yuvin saved the lady.

"About that, I was able to get my shoe back with the help of brother Li." Wang Yuvin answered as he sat himself down.

"B-brother Li? As in Ming Li? He's also here? I thought he planned to settle in Japan." Wang Reiji asked.

"He's here, sis. And you know what, he's the chief investigator of the city's Security Bureau." Wang Yuvin said as he took a slice of pizza and placed it on his plate.

"Hmmm, I see." Wang Reiji briefly answered as an idea suddenly flashed inside her head.

"Actually, Europa and I were planning to visit the Qin family this coming Saturday. How about we invite brother Li to join us as well?" Wang Reiji said as she turned her gaze to Wang Yuvin.

"That's a good idea. I'll inform brother Li right away." Wang Yuvin answered.


Inside a mansion that stood proudly behind tall gates like a fortress with many guards walking back and forth, an old man in a tailored suit got off from a black maybach and went inside the house.

"Good evening Mr. Liu. Lady Xur is waiting for you in the living room."

A woman in a maid's uniform said as she bowed down her head.

"Thank you. You may take your leave now. I can go there by myself." The old man replied.

"As you wish." The servant quickly answered as she walked away from the receiving area.

Right after the servant disappeared from his sight, the old man strode his way to the living room.

As soon as he reached the area, he immediately spoke.

"How's my Lingli?"

Upon hearing the name that the old man had called her, the lady's face turned sour.

"Mr. Liu, how many times did I tell you that my name is Xur now." The woman replied.

"But you are still my eldest daughter Lingli, right?"

The old man protested as he sat himself down the modern L-shaped suede velvet platinum sofa.

"That I can't deny, but inside this mansion, I'm Lady Xur. Not Liu Lingli."

"Besides, uncle Ming gets mad when someone calls me Lingli instead of Xur." The woman answered in a tone full of arrogance.

However, instead of being intimated, the old man chuckled and talked back.

"Lingli, are you taking acting workshops? When did you become so good in acting?" The old man said as his icy stare pierced the woman in front of him.

The woman's face paled upon hearing the word acting.

The arrogance that was surrounding her a while ago disappeared all of a sudden.

"We both know the truth. In this ambitious scheme of ours, aren't you the one who enjoys all the benefits, Lady Xur?"

"I'm still your real father, so please Lady Xur, know your place and stop projecting that arrogance to me. Remember, Huang Mingsi's vast wealth is not under your name yet.And once he finds out that you are not his real---" The old man said in a serious tone but was interrupted by the woman.

"Enough! Okay dad, I'm sorry. Please refrain from talking about that! You're ruining our plans!" The woman answered.

"Hush now my dear, lower down your voice or our plans will indeed be ruined. Father was just reminding you of the important things you forgot when you started living as Chairman Huang's precious niece." The old man said in a calm voice.

"Anyway, I'm just here to tell you that I'm still looking for that man." He added.

"Mmm there's no need dad, uncle Ming's also looking for him." The woman said.

"Just focus in making sure that everything related in what happened five years ago are well hidden. Looks like Zhang Chenric's trying to uncover the past. Makes me wonder why."

"His father's alive."

The woman's eyes bulged-out as horror crept into her face.

"G-general prosecutor Zhang's alive?" She stammered as she asked a question to certain what she heard.

"Yes, that damn traitor's alive. So if I were you, you better make your move on Chairman Huang's wealth as well. Persuade him about transferring all his fortune to you before matters got out of our hands." The old man said with a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Don't worry dad, I'll make sure that all the Huang's wealth will be put under my name. And about Chenric, don't do anything bad to him. I have a plan that would make him side with us." The woman said with a sinister smile on her face.

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