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Kelli's POV

I woke up and rolled over to my phone. It was 10am and I figured I'd go out to see if Meghan was up yet.

I walked out towards the living room where she would normally be curled up watching tv but she wasn't there. I peeked in the kitchen, nothing. I thought this was odd at first but thought maybe she didn't want to get out of bed yet so I started walking over to her room.

I slowly opened the door. Nothing. Her bed was empty. It was still made with clothes and her laptop all over her bed like it was last night before I left for the game.

I went back to my phone to see if I just missed a text from her but nothing. This was not like her. I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I started to panic a little. This was not like Meghan at all. I started to think the worse so I called Jamie.

"Hello?" A groggy Jamie answered.

"I don't think Meghan came home last night! Her bed is how she left it last night and she hasn't texted me saying where she was going and I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. Jamie, she never lets her phone die and she never goes anywhere without telling me! I'm scared. What if something happened?!" I franticly said, pacing back and forth trying to find clothes to quick throw on to go look for my friend.

"Let me go check with Jordie. Maybe she came over to talk with him and fell asleep." Jamie said.

I could hear him walking to wherever Jordie was and asking him if he spoke to Meghan.

"Okay, he hasn't spoke to her since yesterday afternoon. I'm on my way to pick you up. We'll go look for her together."


Jamie picked me up and we started driving around, not really knowing where to start.

"You don't think Tyler would know where she went?" I asked Jamie unsure. He shrugged and hesitated for a second.

"I don't know. He might know where to look though. I'm sure he would want to help find her too. Should we go get him?"

"I don't think it would hurt to have him help." I answered, while I kept trying to call Meghan, hoping maybe she found a charger or something.

We were getting closer to Tyler's house. The road was still a little wet from the rain last night then I had a scary thought.

"What if she was driving and she lost control and...."

"We would have heard if something like that happened. Don't think like that. I'm sure she's okay."

We pulled into Tyler's driveway and walked up to the door. Jamie knocked and we could hear Cash and Marshal running down the steps then jumping at the door, barking.

Then we heard Tyler coming down the steps.

"What are you guys doing here?" A sleepy Tyler answered.

"Meghan is missing! I haven't heard from her since last night and her phone is dead and she hasn't been home. Do you know where she is?!" I frantically asked almost to the point of tears.

Tyler's eyes went wide. "Uhhh..."

"Have you heard from her? Do you know where she might be?" Jamie asked.

Just then, the door opened a little wider to reveal Meghan.

"Oops." Meghan said, standing behind the door with one of Tyler's t-shirts on.

"Oops?... OOPS!?.... wait a second..." I said realizing what was presenting itself right before my eyes.

"Are you guys.... did you guys...It's about damn time!" Jamie said walking passed me, walking into Tyler's house.

"Hold the fuck on. Meghan Elizabeth, I am going to kill you!" I said starting to chase her around the first floor.

"I meant to text you but my phone died and I fell asleep! I'm sorry! I meant to text you first thing this morning!"

"I was worried sick! I was about to call the cops because I didn't know where you were!"

"Didn't you see my car in the driveway?" Meghan asked confused.

"No?" I answered equally confused. We both looked to Tyler.

"Oh, my bad. I moved it into the garage because it started raining. I don't know, I thought it was a good idea at the time." Tyler answered walking over towards Meghan.

"I swear to god if you ever do something like this again, I'm going to kill you." I said throwing myself onto the couch.

It was quiet for a second.

"So... are you guys going to tell us what happened last night?" I popped up eager to hear them say out loud what Jamie and I can already see.

Meghan and Tyler looked at each other and smiled.

"Well...when I came back from walking Cash and Marshal, I found her on the steps of my front door and then we talked and..."

"I agreed to give us a chance." Meghan said looking up to Tyler who wrapped his arms around her then kissed her on the forehead.

I couldn't contain my excitement and started jumping up and down. The three of them started laughing at my reaction.

"We can do couple things now!" I said excitedly, looking towards Meghan.

"DATE NIGHTS!" We both screamed earning laughs from Tyler and Jamie.

A Fresh Start (Kelli's Story Pt. 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin