Pizza and a Movie

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"So, do you have a preference to where you would like to go?" Jamie asked as we walked towards his car.

"I don't really know any good places around here; I've only been here for barely a week now. I'm sure whatever you pick will be great though!" I said looking out the window. Watching the buildings pass by as we drive the streets of Dallas.

"Well, what are you in the mood for? We could go somewhere nice? There are a couple of nice restaurants around here; would you want to go to one of them?" Jamie glanced over to me and then focusing back onto the road.

"Well, the only person who really is dressed for a nice place would be you, Mr. Benn." I said as he glanced down at what he was wearing and then over at me. I still was wearing his jersey and as he looked away, I saw a little smile creep onto his face.

"Okay, good point." It fell silent for about a minute or two until he spoke up again. "How about this, we go get a pizza and take it back to my place and watch a movie? Then I can take you home after?" He said turning towards me as we sat at a red light.

"Sounds perfect to me!" I smiled at him.

We picked up a pizza and started to go towards his place. It didn't hit me until we pulled into his driveway. I'm going to be hanging out with Jamie at his place! Oh god, what did I get myself into? I started to freak out a little bit. Why wasn't Meghan here, I can't do this. I can't ask him to take me home now? That would be bad. Maybe I should make a run for it when I get out of the car? No Kelli! Stop that! That would be even worse! Just then the passenger door opened and Jamie offered his hand for me. I took his hand and he helped me out of the car, I turned to look towards the house as he went to go and grab the pizza.

"This way." He said as he guided me towards the door. We got in and he went over to turned on the lights. His place was amazing! But it wasn't big a flashy as you think a top NHL star would have. We sat down in the living room and he turned on the TV.

"So, what do you want to watch?" He asked turning on the TV, looking for a movie to watch.

When Me and Meghan have our movie nights, it literally takes us two hours figuring out which movie to pick and when we finally pick one, not even half way through the movie, we end up falling asleep!

"Oh! Please tell me you've heard of A Street Car Named Desire?" He said as he looked in my direction. I didn't realize I was staring at him until I heard him say my name.

"What did you just say?" I said as I continued to look at him in disbelief of what he just asked me. He looked kind of scared to ask the question again.

"Umm... Have you ever heard of a Street Car Named Desire?" He asked again with his voice getting a little quieter as he was reaching the end of his sentence.

"I freaking love that movie! Marlon Brando is my favorite actor of all time!" I said as I couldn't contain my excitement!

He looked at me and laughed as he turned on the movie. We ended up quoting the whole movie and just laughing. Before we knew it, the movie was over. It was getting late but I don't think either of us wanted the night to end but I knew I should probably get going.

"It's getting pretty late, I should probably get going, Meghan is probably wondering where I am."

Jamie took me home and the car ride was amazing! We talked nonstop the whole way home; it was great. I really didn't want it to end. I really enjoyed hanging out with him and I really want to do it again but I wonder if he had as much fun as I did? Just then we pulled up to my apartment and he stopped at the front door.

"Hey, Kel? I had a lot of fun tonight! I never met someone who loved Marlon Brando as much as I did before." He said and we both laughed and quoted part of the movie again.

"I had a lot of fun too Jamie, Thank you! We should have a Brando movie marathon soon!" I always wanted to have a Brando movie marathon with someone but I never knew anyone who loved him as much as I did. Yea, Meghan loves him too but with the number of times I watched Guys and Dolls our freshmen year in college, I don't think she would want to sit through all of his movies in one sitting.

"That would be so much fun! Let's do it! I always wanted to do that, but never had anyone to watch them with. The only Marlon Brando movie Tyler will watch with me is The God Father." Jamie laughed and it fell silent for a moment.

"Well, I guess I should go. Good night, Jamie." I hopped out of his car and shut the door. Just then I heard the window roll down and heard Jamie's voice.

"Wait, Kel! Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Umm... no I don't think so." I walked back towards his car and leaned on the door.

"Would you maybe want to go to dinner with me? And by dinner, I mean like a nice dinner?"

I thought for a second, letting myself process his words. I looked up to him and he was just looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"I would love to." A smile appeared on his face.

"Cool, I'll text you tomorrow with details. Let me know when you get into your apartment safe. Good night, Kelli" I walked to the door and made my way up to my apartment. Expecting to get bombarded with questions about my night by Meghan, but she was nowhere to be found. I quick texted Jamie that I was in my apartment and I went to peek out the window and looked to where his car was and he was still there. After I sent the message he took off. Just when I was about to text Meghan to see where she was and when she was coming home, I got a text from her

Meghan: Hey Kel! I'm staying the night at Tyler's; I'll be home tomorrow morning! Hope tonight went well with you and Jamie! I expect to hear about it tomorrow! Let me know when you get home!

Me: Hey, I just got back! Staying at Tyler's uh?? No babies Miss Meghan!"

Meghan: I hate you.

I got ready for bed and as I laid there all I could think about was tonight's events, and then I started to think about tomorrow night. I didn't think moving to Dallas was going to be easy, but so far, it's ended up to be the best decision so far.

A Fresh Start (Kelli's Story Pt. 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon