Can You Start Friday?

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It's been a week since I got here and I've been looking everywhere for a job, but there are literally no openings anywhere. I've slowly been losing my mind since Meghan has been super busy at work. She leaves at 8 every morning and doesn't get home until 8 at night. Unless there's a game, then she won't get home until like 12! It sucks! She got me tickets to a game which was fun, but she had to leave because she had to take care of an issue one of her coworkers was having.

I was laying on the couch, watching Greys Anatomy reruns when Meghan came busting through the door.

"Kelli! Kelli! Kelli! Guess what?!"

She ran over to me and was jumping up and down on the couch next to me. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"What you on about?" I asked, causing her to stop and sit down.

"So, I was talking to Casey, you remember Casey? He's the head Athletic Trainer? I introduced you to him the other day?"

"Yea, I remember him."

"Well, we were talking and he told me that one of the other trainers had to leave for some reason that's not important, but they have an opening and he told me to tell you to come in for an interview tomorrow!" She screamed the last part and I just looked at her in shock.

"Are you serious?" I asked hesitantly.

"Why would I lie about this?!"

We both started jumping up and down.

"Did he say when to come in?" I asked her, starting to panic a little.

"He said you can come in when I go in and I will bring you to his office and you'll go from there!" She said dancing around. "We're going to work together! I'm so excited!" Meghan was singing and jumping around.

"Calm down there crazy. I didn't get the job yet. I might screw up the interview." I laughed and she shot me a look. We both laughed. "I better go find an outfit to wear and go to bed!" I yelled and ran to my room.

The next morning, I got up with Meghan and we drove to the American Airlines Center. I was so nervous. What if I forget something? What if I mess up? What if he doesn't like me? I guess Meghan could tell I was nervous and turned on the radio and put on a Chase Rice song. She knew exactly how to calm me down and get me to stop over thinking things without having to say a word. We pulled up to the stadium and once Meghan parked, we sat there for a second.

"You're going to do great! Don't sweat it! Casey is a nice guy and he understands you are going to be nervous. He was in your position before, remember that. Just be you and I know you're going to nail it!" Meghan said, before giving my arm a reassuring squeeze before getting out of the car.

Meghan's words settled my thoughts and we started to walk into the American Airlines Center. She took me to Casey's office and paused.

"You ready?" She looked at me before knocking on the door.

"Let's do this." I said and held my breath as she knocked.

"Meghan! How are you this morning?" Casey opened the door and gave Meghan a hug.

"I'm great Case! How are you?"

"Not too bad, not too bad. I see you brought Kelli to me. Thank you! How are you, Kelli? Good to see you again!"

"I'm good thank you! It's great to see you again too! Thank you so much for this!" I said to him trying not to sound nervous.

"Not a problem! Meghan tells me you're really good with injuries and everything so I would be dumb not to interview you for the position! Come! Let's get this show on the road!" Casey said, guiding down the hallway.

"Come to my office when you're done. Good luck! Bye Casey!" Meghan whispering the first part to me then yelling the last part to Casey, before turning and heading up to her office.

He showed me around the trainer's room and to the practice court underneath the American Airlines Center. We then went into his office which he then asked me a bunch of questions. Then we went into the trainer's room where he had one of the players there and had me wrap his leg and do other scenarios that I might have to do. After that we went back into his office.

"Well, Kelli I've seen a lot of stuff I liked today and I think you're a great person. You seem like you'd fit well with our team here. The position is yours if you want it!" Casey said with a smile.

I tried not to seem too eager when I told him I would take it.

"Great! Can you start Friday?"

After I agreed, he gave me everything I would need for Friday and let me go. I went to Meghan's office where she was on the phone with someone so I just sat in one of the chairs in front of her and waited until she was done.

"So... how'd it go?" She asked. I acted upset before then I screamed.

"Guess who gets to work with each other!?"

We both jumped up and down. I told her I don't start until Friday and we both just kept jumping. Then she stopped.

"Let's go out tonight and celebrate!"

"Okay! Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"There's this place I go to right down the street with some of my friends, it's really good! Let's go there!"

"Sounds good to me!" I said, sitting back down in the chair, while she went back to whatever she was doing before I came in.

After Meghan was done work, we went to dinner and we started talking about the interview, projects Meghan was working on and other things. Just when our food came out to our table, Meghan's phone started ringing. I couldn't see who it was but she said she had to take it and got up and went outside. Once she got back, I could tell she was trying to hide a smile but she wasn't fooling me.

"So, who was that?" I asked curious to who made my best friend smile that much that I didn't know about here in Dallas.

"Oh, it was just my friend. He was away for a week and he just got back and wanted to know if we wanted to go over to his place tonight just to hang out for a bit. Would you want to go?" She asked, grabbing her napkin and placing it back on her lap.

I didn't want to say no because she seemed really excited that her friend was back and she wanted to see him. But I was nervous and didn't want to go because I didn't know who he was and I felt like I would just be intruding.

"No, go! I don't care! You can go! I'll just go home and get ready for Friday." I said hoping she would just go with it.

"What? No! You're invited too! It'll be fun! I want you to meet them! I want my Dallas best friends to meet my Philly best friend! I've told them so much about you, they're excited!" She said.

"They're? How many people will be there?" I asked.

"It's usually only me and the four of them. Please come! If you do, I'll buy you food for a week!" Meghan said with pouty eyes.

Damn it, she knows my weakness! It's the least I could do since she let me move in with her and got me a job.

"Okay, I'll go. But I want to be home by 12 if that's okay?" I caved.

"Oh, don't worry! We won't stay long! They have to be up early anyway and I have work too so we'll leave at like 11!" She said then started eating.

We finished up dinner and started to head towards her friend's house. I was getting so nervous but I knew Meghan wouldn't bring me around people she didn't trust. I turned on the radio to relieve some stress which helped a lot. Just then, we pulled into a driveway. I could feel my heart beating faster. Whelp, here goes nothing.

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