Chapter 30 : Epilogue part 1

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"Rachel what could you possibly do by going to New York one week before your wedding?" Quinn asked exasperated. Rachel wasn't thinking rationally the last five months, Rachel made she and Kurt run around like crazy trying to get the plans for the wedding ready and last minute Rachel decides to book a flight to New York.

"It's just something I need to take care of, I'll be back in less than a day, if Finn asks just tell him I was out getting things ready for the wedding, please don't worry so much."

Quinn sighed. "You better know what you're doing, if you're not back by tomorrow night I'm calling every police station in New York, you understand?"

Rachel laughed. "Yes Quinn, now I really need to get going, remember I'm doing last minute preparations for the wedding if Finn asks." Quinn nodded her head before the two hugged.

Rachel walked over to her gate and handed the flight attendant her ticket. She really hoped she knew what she was doing as well.


"Quinn where's Rachel?" Finn asked his sister.

"She's doing some last minute preparations for the wedding she had to go to Cleveland for the night." Quinn lied.

"Well why isn't she picking up her phone then?"

"She booked a flight down there so she's probably on the airplane with no reception." It wasn't that much of a lie, she was most probably on a plane.

"Why didn't she tell me that she was going?"

"God Finn could you take a chill pill, I said last minute preparations, it was totally out of the blue and you know how Rachel has been with all the wedding plans, she's all anal about it and booked the first flight down there, I'm sure when she lands she'll call you," Quinn said rolling her eyes. Finn could be so overprotective at times.

"Ok, but if she doesn't call in an hour, it's you I'm coming after." Quinn waved him off and he glared at her before walking out of the room.

Quinn blew out a sigh of relief.

"Rachel better be landing in an hour or it's going to be her ass." Quinn grumbled as she turned the page of her Cosmo magazine.


"Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing momentarily." The stewardess announced.

Rachel looked out the window as she fiddled with her engagement ring on her ring finger.

She smiled as the memory of Finn proposing popped into her mind.

"Ugh Finn, we better be getting out soon because I can't take all this suspense." Rachel groaned in the car.

Finn had been all secretive the whole day and it was driving her insane. First she walks into her room in her house and found a gorgeous black gown on her bed waiting for her, with a card reading

"Put it on and meet me outside"
- Love Finn

Then when she did as told she found him standing outside with a limo and tells her to get in. Then when she pressed him about what he had planned he told her to stop being nosey and then blindfolded her. They had been driving for about 30 minutes and that's where she was now.

"We're almost there." Finn said. Then the car came to a stop and she heard him get out of the car.

"Oh I know he is not leaving me in here alone." She mumbled before hearing the door open next to her. She felt Finn hand reach for hers and he slowly guided her out of the car.

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