Chapter 1

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Hey Guys!! Thank you all so much for the great feedback! I really appreciate it! Anyways, I'm posting this part early, because I'm going to be out of town for the whole week. Also just wanted to let you know finn and Rachel's parents won't be the nicest in this story so you may not like them there will also be alot of jumping around between characters also the first few chapters will be focused on the parents so there won't be much with finn and Rachel for a while, Anyway on to the story!!!!

July 15th 2001

“Christopher, how could you do this?” Carol Hudson was beyond furious to find out that her husband, of 2 years, was having a child with another woman; a woman who was from the poor side of town no less. 

“Carol, I’m telling you, I didn’t mean for this to happen. She tricked me. Remember that weekend that I had gotten into that awful fight with you, I went to the bar because I was so distraught. I had gotten drunk and there she was. She seduced me, and the next thing I remember was waking up next to her. I asked her not to mention it to anyone, I knew that would only be the only time I would be with her, and you must believe me Carol. I would never betray you on purpose.” Christopher was obviously lying, for he was having an affair with Lauren Walker for the past 6 months, but of course like any other woman whose entire life depended on her marriage, Carol believed him. 

Carol sighed, “Oh Christopher, what have you gotten us into. Well what’s done is done, we can’t change anything. Just go, tell her to keep this quiet, and tell her we will pay the money she needs, as much as we would like, we cannot deny that this is your child.” 

“I am truly sorry my dear, but I promise I will clean this mess up.” Carol gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and left in the direction of the hospital to sort everything up. 


“Aren’t you just the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Lauren Walker said as looked at her newborn son, whom she held in her arms. Lauren sighed as she realized the situation she was in. She cursed herself for falling in love with a married man, but she was young, and she was naïve. Now here she was, a single mother to this beautiful baby boy. 

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. She looked up and was faced with the person who put her in this very predicament. 

“What are you doing here? It’s too late for the abortion as you can see. But are you still here to try and convince me to kill my child?” She said harshly. 

“I only suggested what was best. I’ve made an awful mistake when I was with you. I’m in love with my wife.” 

Even though she was affected by his words, and the fact that he had said that she was his mistake, and that he was in love with someone else, she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her weak. 

“You mean you only suggested what was best for you. Well how about I suggest something for a change? I suggest for you to leave, and just let me be with my son.” Lauren said tearing her eyes away from him. 

“I will do as you suggest, but I’m here to tell you that if you will do me this one favor and keep this between us. In return I will pay child support, after all he is still my child, and even though I wish no relationship between us, I will not deny him.” Lauren snorted out a laugh. 

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