Chapter 28

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“DADDY!” Quinn exclaimed surprised.

Finn looked up at the man who he knew was his father. He couldn’t believe after all these years he was finally face to face with him.

He wondered if he would even recognize who he was. Rachel looked over to see if Finn was okay, she couldn’t believe what had just happened and her heart was still pounding from all of it, but all that mattered right now was if Finn was ok.

By looking at Jesse she wasn’t sure if he needed to be hospitalized but she hoped to god he didn’t need to be, and she prayed that the Hudson's wouldn’t press charges against Finn because that would mean she would have to report the attempted rape.

Christopher Hudson froze in place when he saw the scene in room. In the room were all three of his children.

Christopher had kept tabs on Finn ever since he was born. He was never a cruel man and he did want so much to be able to be a father figure to Finn, but he was a married man, his wife nor did Lauren want him to take on that responsibility.

He turned to where his daughter lay and he saw the appearance of his youngest son and quickly ran over to him.

“What happened here?!” He screamed checking for Jesse's pulse.

Neither of the children wanted to speak they didn’t know the right words to explain the situation.

Finn and Rachel looked at Quinn to explain after all she knew him best.

“Well? Someone better explain before I call the police.” Rachel's eyes widened.

“NO! Uncle Christopher! Please! I was in here and Jesse, well I was trying to break up with Jesse and I know he didn’t mean to but he snapped and attacked me! Finn came in and he saw what was happening and he tried to get him off me and it just got out of hand. I’m sorry! Please don’t press charges against Finn, please, it’s my entire fault!” She cried as she clung onto Finn refusing to let him go.

Christopher looked up at Rachel and saw her appearance and it was safe to say that she must have been attacked since her arms were all bruised. He couldn’t believe this was happening. How was his son capable of doing this?

He heard Jesse groan and he looked over at him and saw that he was starting to stir awake. Christopher looked over at Finn and Rachel and saw how she clung onto him harder as Jesse started to gain consciousness.

“No, I won’t press charges, Jesse seems to be waking up,” Christopher said. Rachel cried out in relief and Finn was yet to say anything. He didn’t know what to say after everything that had happened, nor did he know what to say in front of his father.

“Quinn help me get him on the bed,” Christopher said as he got up to carry his son over to his bed. Quinn complied and together they situated Jesse on the bed.

“I’ll go get some aspirin.” Quinn said running to the bathroom.

“Go on, you two should leave the room. Go wait in Quinn room so we can discuss this further.”

Rachel nodded she and Finn got up and they quickly walked to Quinn's room.

Christopher sighed as he looked over at his son. How the hell did his child end up to be this like?


Inside Quinn's room Finn and Rachel sat on Quinn's bed as Rachel bandaged up Finn's knuckles. Rachel was shaking still frightened from the whole encounter. Finn quickly tended to her.

“I’m so sorry Rachel, I didn’t mean to get so out of control, but he was…and you were crying…I didn’t know what else to do. I never think right when it comes to you,” He cried as he held her in his arms. Rachel cried softly.

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