Chapter 12

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Rachel sighed as she lay on her bed, it had been 3 weeks since Finn left and it had been complete hell. She missed seeing him, she missed being in his arms, she missed kissing him, she just missed him so much.

She yearned for him, but it was all useless, he was gone and far away, there was no way they could see each other anytime soon, and it was all so hard. All she had were their letters; they were the only thing that gave her hope.

She looked over at the clock, and saw that it was time for the mail to arrive. She hopped out of bed and ran her way downstairs. She slipped on her slippers once she reached the front door and jetted to the gate, and as if on que, there stood the mail man, whom Rachel became on first name basis with in the last 3 weeks.

“Hey Louie!” Rachel exclaimed. Louie smiled at the innocent girl, she was always so sweet.

“Rachel, how are you today?” He asked kindly.

“I’m good and you?” She said politely.

“I’m fine, well here you go, see you again tomorrow.” He said walking away while whistling some tune.

Rachel walked and shoveled through the mail to see if there was a letter from Finn, and once she spotted it she squealed in joy. She ran back in the house, and placed the rest of the mail on the coffee table, and ran upstairs to read her letter.

Hiram stood out from the shadows curiously. For 3 weeks straight, Rachel had been moping around the house, but when it came time to receive mail, she would run out that door and collect it for the house, and when there was a piece of mail for her, she would prance around like a fairy, and now he wondered what was going on. But, he shook it off, like he did every other day since every day he had a new event to go to, he never had the time to get too into it.

Quinn sat in her room, bored. Her parents had guests over, and she was under strict orders to stay in her room.

Quinn was sitting at her computer desk, just surfing through the internet, when she looked over to the side and stared at the picture frame that held a picture of her and Rachel in it. She sighed, she knew she had been a bad friend lately, Rachel needed someone, but she was busy with Puck, she knew it was wrong, but she wasn’t ready to tell Rachel about Puck just yet, not so soon after Finn had gone.

“Quinn!” Jesse entered the room clearly mad about something. Quinn turned around to face her dickhead of a brother. He was so annoying, and always acted like a jerk, she wondered what was up his ass now.

“What?” She bit out rudely.

“Have you been going out with Puck?” Quinn looked at him eyes-wide. How did he find out? She had asked Puck to keep it quiet for a while. Did he rat her out?

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t lie to me! I saw you two together. I was supposed to hang out with Puck the other day, and by the time I reached his house, he canceled on me, so to my surprise, guess who I see in his room with him. My little sister! Care to explain?” Quinn bit her lip. She was busted.

“Ok, fine, I’ve been going out with him for about a month, but I wanted to keep it under wraps, because of Rachel …” She stopped in mid-sentence. She was so close to letting out her secret.

Jesse on the other hand snapped his head at Rachel's name being mentioned.

“What about Rachel?” Quinn shook her head.

“Huh, nothing,” She lied.

“No you said because of Rachel. Because of Rachel what?” He pressed.

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