POV: Hailey

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I have auburn colored hair, and it's often a tangled mess. I look a lot like my grandmother. My name is Hailey Stewart, and I just turned twelve.

My whole family looks nothing like I do. What I hate the most is that mommy never brings up Hannah anymore and daddy never says, "Hannah Banana, ooh ooh ahh ahh" like he used to. We own five acres of land and we have a hundred trees. We also own two goats, a cow, a calf, and two pigs. Mommy has been homeschooling me since the incident and I always finish at nine am (I get up at six). Then I put on my boots and run to feed the animals. Then I race Hannah's soul to my favorite tree. I throw off my boots and dash up it.I'm a very good climber. I climbed some more and sat on a limb. I stared at a tree in the distance. That tree was the only one Hannah ever climbed. I never even really went near that tree, Since that was the one she fell out of. Mommy and Daddy put all her stuffed animals in that tree, and it made me sad to look at it. Hannah, what are you doing in Heaven right now? I said as tears streamed down my face.

I spend my days in the trees, praying and thinking about Hannah.I'm alone there and Mommy only bothers me to bring me food, then at dark, I go in if I feel like it.Some nights I sleep out there and Mommy brings me out a blanket and pillow.Yesterday was one of those days, I felt heavy with sadness and couldn't stop crying over Hannah.The next day I actually felt sick, well sort of.I had minor aching in my back and was feverish. Mommy got really nervous and called Daddy to take us to the hospital.Mommy requested Dr. Hudson to check me out, who was Hannah's doctor. "There's nothing wrong with her Catherine, just a cold." Mommy wasn't so sure that I was alright, so she told Daddy to call Grandma.grandma is a retired doctor.A few hours later, Grandma showed up. "She's not ill Catherine, she'll be well soon." I was not sick for the rest of the week. So grandma drove back to Connecticut the next day. 

I went back to my tree and did my usual. "Hey,'' Mom sat next to me in the tree. I nodded a hello. "You haven't spoken since the incident". "I know, I'm sorry I didn't save her, I'm such a Dufus." "You are not Hailey, don't say that." "It's all my fault." "Hailey, it's been three years, and Hannah is dead. We can't do anything about it. She's with Jesus now. I lost my brother when I was eight, he was thirteen, and his name was John. He brought me to a party and he shot himself "Mom! I don't care about your stupid childhood, I just want Hannah! I want to be alone! "Mom climbed down and went to the house. 

She didn't bring me dinner or a blanket that night. "

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