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It's jayjay and I'm back with some more top-secret info on my new sequel! Read on to find out more about it!

I've been asking myself many question about this new book, and I don't even have answers to some of them. So, here we go. Let's try and answer some of those questions!

Q: What is the title of your sequel?

A: That one is hard. A long time ago, when I first thought about making a sequel, I thought I'd call it "Today", but now I'm not so sure.

Q: What is the sequel going to be about?

A: It's going to be about Hailey and Bradley after they marry. I think I'll just navigate through her years of being a new wife, and a new mom. I think it'll really just be about their life after their marriage. Any ideas on what it should be about? Comment down below pls.

Q: When am I going to start this book?

A: I am actually going to start it rn because I have time (it's night) and no homework! I hope for it to be somewhat done by Thanksgiving!

Q: Are we following Hailey or her kids?

A: I will probably do the different POV's again, so that way we get to hear everyone's story.

Q: Who are her kids?

A: I actually already thought of this. She has 4 kids and that's including 2 of each gender. Their ages in the story will be: 13, 11, 8, and 2. I don't have names yet. Comment down below if you have any names! PLS COMMENT! I really want someone to comment! So PLS DO THAT NOW!!!

Thank You,

Love, jayjay <3

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