POV: Cathy

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I don't tell many people about my girls. Mike and Hailey know. My parents and I know. A few close friends know. But that's all. Hannah's death was very private. I grew up fatherless with a brother and dear mother. My brother killed himself when I was young. He was about Hailey's age and just decided he wasn't thriving here on earth and commited suicide. My mom remarried when I got engaged to Mike. Before we were engaged, when we had just started dating in fact, we had Hailey. When I was seventeen and still in highschool.I'm twenty-nine and Mike is a year older. 

Hannah was six when the girls were playing a fierce game of cards. It was a rainy day, and I was baking. The girls snuck outside and I went to take my cake out of the oven, and I realized I no longer heard the girls giggling or talking. I set my cake on the counter and heard a scream. I ran so fast out the door and cussed under my breath. I slid on my knees as I reached my daughters. "Mommy, I'm sorry!" Hailey screamed. I try to forget that day, and I never bring it up. I moved us to Michigan to get a fresh start, and now fourteen weeks later I have a surprise. "Hailey! Come here, "I say. Hailey comes down the hall using crutches. Her hair is growing back a little, but you can see the crusted blood on her scalp. "Hailey I'd like to adopt a little boy named Angel." That's cool, "Hailey said and plopped herself on the couch. 

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