Chapter 4

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By the time we actually board our plane, I've spent so much time being excited that I fall asleep in the air. When I wake, I'm a little mad that half of my very first plane ride was spent asleep, but I don't regret the refreshed feeling I get when I wake up.

My time at the Boston airport flies by. We get our bags, and Charles calls a taxi, which are apparently abundant in Boston. One taxi ride later we arrive at our hotel. The moment we get to our room, I collapse on the bed, clothes still on, and fall asleep.


I awaken to a bright light.

"Ugh. Too bright," I groan.

A pillow lands on my face.

"Get up, Carmen!" It's Bella. But it's too early to wake up. I roll over and try to go back to sleep. But as I do, I am hit by another pillow.

"Come on! The free breakfast ends in an hour and you still need to get ready!"

I accept that I won't be getting any more sleep and crawl out of bed. I dig through my suitcase, picking out jeans and a shirt from my favorite book series. I toss them on and Bella and I head down.

When we get to breakfast, Charles is already there, with a muffin and juice.

"Took you two long enough," he says.

"Sorry. Carmen took her time."

"Did not! You just happened to be up at an ungodly hour in the morning!"

"No, you sleep like the dead."

Charles sighs. "Just go get your breakfast, you two. We've got a lot to do."

"Fine." I head over to the breakfast area. Bella follows.

"What should I have?" I ask Bella.

"I don't know, but I'm having a waffle." She responds.

I look over. Sure enough, there are two waffle making machines in the corner. But would a waffle really be the best to eat right now? Who cares. I'm having a waffle anyways. I head over to the waffle maker and start cooking my waffle.

While it cooks, I look around for something to make my breakfast a bit healthier. I settle on a yogurt. Grabbing my waffle from the machine when the timer goes off, I head over to where Charles and Bella are sitting to eat.

"So, what're we doing today?" I ask.

"First we're going to do some exploring in the city so you can understand our company's backstory," says Charles. "Then, we'll go to the main offices and you'll get a tour and some more in-depth knowledge of what we do."

"Sounds good. When do we leave?" Bella asks.

Charles looks at his watch. "Be down here by nine thirty?"

"Ok," I say. Bella and I hurry to finish our breakfasts.


On the elevator, Bella and I talk.

"I didn't know your dad worked in Boston," Bella says.

"Neither did I, until yesterday," I reply.

"Isn't it kind of cool, though, to think that later today you could be standing in the very same place your dad stood in, maybe even when he was your age?"

"Yeah. I can't wait!"

"I wonder what kind of history we're going to be looking at. Oh! What if their company was started by the guy who took the lanterns up into the church tower? 'One if by land, two if by sea?' That guy?"

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