Chapter 3

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A/N: Took forever to get an update!  Well, here it is, and more coming soon!  I've got everything up until chapter 6 written out, and it just needs to get edited!  Thank you all so much!  

Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do to celebrate 100 followers?  Comment with ideas!  Thank you all so much for following me!  It really means a lot.

Why do I have to do this? I don't even want to go. I head to my room to pack. While I drag my suitcase down from the rack in my closet, I wonder what Boston is like. I've never even been out of the state before, and now I'm going halfway across the country!

What will the weather be like in Boston? I have no clue. I shove in a mess of long and short sleeve shirts. Shorts? Pants? Who knows. Not me. I've never been there. I throw in a mixture again.

I know I'm overthinking this, but I can't stop. I finish packing as fast as I can while minimizing the risk of forgetting anything crucial. It's at that point that I realize that I still have half an hour left. I decide to head down to my friend's apartment.

When I get there, I knock on the door. Bella, my friend, answers. Her smile almost makes me forget about Charles and leaving for Boston in a half hour, but not quite. After all, I did come here partially to vent to her.

Bella and I have been friends for a long time. We met in first grade, and have been getting along great ever since. We grew up liking the same books, movies, TV, everything. I was incredibly happy when her family moved in a couple doors down from me in my apartment building a couple years ago.

"What's wrong," Bella asks as she invites me in.

"Oh, nothing." I cross the threshold and head to Bella's room. She follows me.

"No, seriously. I can see something's wrong. What is it?"

I sigh as I flop down onto her bed.

"My mom's making me go on a job trip."

"Job trip?" She sits down next to me. "What's that?"

"One of my dad's old coworkers, apparently. He just randomly showed up, and now I'm leaving in a half hour."

"Hold on, wait. A half hour? And you just met this guy, what, tonight? That doesn't seem at all stalkerish to you?"

"I know! My mom didn't like it either, at first. But he talked to her alone for about an hour, so she must see something worthwhile in this whole endeavor."

"I need a snack." Bella gets up at begins to leave the room, turning around at the doorway. "Want anything?"

"Any candy you got. I've still got room in my suitcase," I say, only half-joking.

She laughs. "One huge bag of candy, coming right up!"

Left alone, my mind begins to drift towards my trip. Thankfully, I am not left alone for long.

"Carmen!" I flinch in response, covering my ears. As I brace for impact, I wonder to myself why I thought I could go to Bella's house uninterrupted.

Two kids barrel into me, knocking me onto the bed. Even as I push them off, they are laughing.

"How are you guys?" I ask. These troublemakers are Damien and Samson, Bella's younger twin brothers, and they are small, blond, and very devious.

"We're gonna go to a museum tomorrow!" Sampson adores museums. He wants to be an archiver for one when he grows up. He's even made his own collection of items he finds of the ground, to his mom's dismay.

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