First day of U.A part 1

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Ah good morning, or night, whenever you're reading this. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

"I AM HERE. I AM HERE. I AM HE-" Izuku's alarm rang before he stopped it.

He glanced at the time


"Yawn it's still pretty early" he said, rubbing his eye.

He barely got any sleep from the night before, it was his first day at the prestigious school for heroes, and he was rightfully nervous, but brimming with excitement at the same time.

He woke up extra early, even though his first class didn't start till 8:30 am, he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for his first day.

He jumped out of bed and took care of his hygiene, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and taking a shower of course.

And because it was so early, he actually had time to eat breakfast in the morning. He was surprised to see his mom already making breakfast.

"H-hey mom! Good morning!" He said, almost a bit too loudly

"Good morning Izuku, what are you doing up so early?" She asked him with a puzzled look on her face.

"W-Well my alarm was set pretty early, plus I kind of couldn't get any sleep heh heh" he said with a light chuckle while scratching the back of his head. "I could ask you the same though?"

"Well I figured I would surprise you with breakfast, but.. I see you had other plans" she laughed.

He finished his breakfast in record setting time, and was almost out the door before his mom stopped him.

"Izuku wait"

"What is it mom?"

She walked up to him with a bag in her hand

"You've made so much progress over the past 10 months, and I just want you to know. I'm proud of you" she said, whilst tearing up.

"I guess I really to say congratulations" she said, pulling something green out of the bag.

It was a hero costume, more or less, bright green with white lines going down it. Overall a pretty simple design.

Izuku's eyes lit up with excitement as he grabbed it and took a closer look"Thanks mom, it's really cool" he said as he folded it up and stuffed it into his bad.

He hugged her one last time before grabbing his keys and running out the door at 7:20.

'I might miss the first train..' he thought as he ran down the sidewalk to his local train station. 'Well I've got a lot of time to spare, I'll be okay'


"Beep*Beep*Beep*Bee" rang Katsuke's alarm before she threw it across the room.

"Uggghhhh" she sighed and spoke groggily. "I did not get enough sleep last night" she said to herself before getting up and stretching.

She looked at the time... 7:04.

"10 more minutes" she said under her breath as she got back into bed.


She arose again, 11 minutes later.

"Okay, now I'm ready" she said, yawning and stretching again.

She took care of her basic hygiene needs but left her bedhead mostly the same, grabbed a granola bar and was out the house by 7:35.

Izuku arrived at his local station a couple minutes late and as a result missed his usual train, it was annoying but didn't inconvenience him too much for he had already prepared for this scenario.

The next train was 15 minutes away and he had time to spare so he sat down on one of the benches and waited patiently. The station wasnt that populated, only a few people were in the area, other students like him or working adults.

He pulled out his phone and decided to scroll through the news not looking for anything in particular, just doing it to eat up some time.

"Move" a familiar voice suddenly interrupted his peace.

He jerked up and look around him only to see his childhood friend Katsuke Bakugo standing in front of him. She was wearing her U.A. Uniform just like him, though it was a bit unkempt her tie was loose and her white Oxford shirt wasn't buttoned up at the top but it fit her sty-

"Hey?! I said move deku" Katsuke said, snapping him out of his muttering.

"O-oh yeah sorry Kacchan!" He responded, moving himself from the middle of the bench.

She sat down next to him and sighed. "So you made it after all huh?"

"O-oh um yeah I did, even I was a little s-surprised" He replied, scratching the back of his head.

"Can't say I'm not surprised, I thought you were an idiot when you went to try out. Somehow you pulled through in the end though" She said with a smirk.

"Really? T-thanks Kacchan" He replied, with a slight blush creeping on his face.

"Don't get me wrong, you're still an idiot though, and stop calling me Kacchan. Were not kids anymore"

"Sorry K-Katsuke!" He replied.

"You can't just use my first name idiot!" She accidentally yelled.

"Well then.. what should I call you?" He asked his childhood friend.

"Shut up" she said in a low tone with a slight blush.

They didn't talk much after, they boarded the train and sat next to each other, not too close but close enough to chat for a bit. The rest of the train ride was short and before they knew it they were standing in front of UA's Gates.

"Wow, 10 months ago, if someone told me I would be going here for highschool, I would have assumed they were teasi-"

"Yeah yeah, keep moving. Unless you want to be late" Katsuke interrupted him, as she kept walking.

"K-kacchan you ruined the moment" he complained as he speedwalked to catch up with her.

"Whatever" she chuckled.

They made their way to class 1-A, they 10 minutes early and the class wasn't full when they got in.

Izuku scanned the classroom, there wasn't a lot of people, a Tall kid with glasses, a really, really short kid who seemed to have his eyes fixated on a tall girl, a bird, a kid with red and white hair, and last but not least a guy with 6 arms.

While he was looking around, Katsuke had already chose her seat. He assumed there would be assigned seats but to his surprise, it seemed first come first serve. He took the seat on the left of her just to be safe.

Over the next 10 minutes, the rest of the students filed in and chose their seats but the teacher was still nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Kacchan" he whisper yelled.

She ignored him.

"Kacchan!" He repeated.

"What?!" She almost yelled.

"...I wonder what our homeroom teacher will be like, do you think he'll be strict, or cool? What if it's not a guy..?" He muttered.

Katsuke sighed.

Bruh, I've been working on this chapter on and off for a while. And k kind of let you guys down. This corona thing has been hitting my area pretty hard, and with school out. Trying to balance my work and write while having to step up as a young man in my family is pretty challenging. By no means does this mean I'm quitting the book, I'll have more time to focus on these chapters if anything now because this semester is finally over. I apologize for now releasing sooner and for my empty promises. See you guys next time. Also if you see any mistakes, don't hesitate to point them out to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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