Not good enough

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Izuku stood in the Battle center area with all of the other examiners, 'Mock battles... How can everyone be so confident? Aren't they nervous? They even have equipment to go with their Quirks'

'Oh, it's the person I met at the school gates! The nice person! She was assigned to the same battle center, huh? Oh yeah, I have to thank her for earlier' He thought as he examined his surroundings. He began to walk to her, but was interrupted by another familiar face.

"Excuse me! But that girl appears to be trying to focus" The tall kid interrupted.

"I was j-just going to say th-"

"Whats really your purpose here? Are you taking the entrance exam to interfere with everyone else?" He cut him off.

"N-N-No, of course not" Izuku said, trying to defend his actions.

"Wait a second... That guy's the one who was about to trip in front of the school gates, right?" One of the other examiners said.

"Yeah! The one who winced after being called out.
At the very least, we have one less rival to worry about, huh? Lucky Lucky for us" 3 others chatted while laughing at him.

"I feel like the others think they lucked out because I'm here" Izuku said aloud as he stared skyward.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Present Mic asked.

Before they could answer, he yelled "Start"
Then everything in the anime/manga happened, because there is no point in me writing it

Izuku sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his wall. He hadn't been the same ever since the entrance exams.

He felt like he let All Might down.

'I'm really pathetic... I'm not worthy of inheriting his power' he thought as he pulled out his phone and read the daily news.

He wasn't even reading it, just scrolling, watching the words fly past. It had been a week and a half since the exams, He had tried to contact All might, but had no luck, which didn't do anything to help him in his current state.

Which was odd for Izuku, he never had this attitude. He always had an uplifting aura, nothing could stop him.

Inko was worried about her son, she hadn't seen him this crushed since he found out he was "quirkless".

'I have to do something for him, I can't stand seeing him like this' Inko thought.

"How can I cheer him up...?" She said aloud, as she glanced at her phone.

Izuku had always been a social kid, he had a lot of friends, his mom knew that. But all of that changed when they found out he was quirkless.

Inko decided to give an old friend a call.

She explained the situation to her friend, they chatted for a while before they hung up. Inko was sure this would lift his spirits.

At the Bakugo residence

"This is bullshit" Katsuke sighed as she got ready to leave the house.

"I don't see the problem, your just going to visit a friend" Mitsuki said.

"He's not my friend! We don't even talk!" Katsuke replied, her face turning a light shade of pink.

"I find that hard to believe, you two used to be inseparable" Mitsuki grinned.

"W-well, it's not like that anymore" Katsuke grumbled.

"What happened anyways? Or are you too embarrassed to tell?" She asked.

"Nothing! We just... kinda fell apart I guess" Katsuke said, she wasn't about to tell her mom that she's the reason they weren't so close. Especially because she bullied him, and for once she was starting to feel guilty.

"Well this is a perfect chance for you too to reconnect"

"Yeah whatever, and why do I have to go anyways? You never told me the reason" Katsuke asked.

"You should get going, I'm pretty sure they're waiting" Mitsuki stares, ignoring her.

"This is so stupid" Katsuke sighed as she grabbed her keys and headed out.

It was a short walk to the midoriya residence, about 15-20 minutes. Katsuke didn't really know what to expect, it had been so long since she had last been there. Part of her felt really excited, which she didn't know why.

'I wonder if anything has changed... he probably still has All might merch everywhere' she thought.


She finally arrived, it was still the same apartment complex. She walked up the stairs and knocked on the door they belonged to them.

"C-COMING" yelled a high pitched voice from the inside.

She heard the door being unlocked from the other side, when if opened she was met with a familiar face.

"Katsuke Bakugo? You look so much older, I almost thought you were your mother" she laughed.

"Uhh.. hey, long time no see Ms. Midoriya" she said, sticking to the formalities.

"Well come in, I don't want you to catch a cold" she said, inviting her inside.

"Yeah.. thanks" she said as she walked in, taking off her coat and hanging it up.

'Woah, everything looks almost the exact same' she thought as she glanced around the room. Besides a few minor changes here and there, nothing had really changed.

Katsuke sat on the couch, she glanced at some of the photos on the wall, baby pictures, and grade school photos of Izuku. Speaking of Izuku, he was no where to be seen.

Katsuke began growing impatient, she still didn't know what she was even here...

"Hey Ms. Midoriya, you wouldn't happen to know where De-Izuku is?" She said, she almost called him Deku, using his first name felt foreign to her.

Before Inko could answer, they heard the sound of a door opening.

Izuku groggily stumbled out of the door, wiping his eyes with one hand. From the looks of it, he had just woke up from a nap.

"Hey mom, I think I'm gonna go for a-"



You guys know I hate leaving you on cliffhangers, but I had to get this chapter out, I promised a guy (or gal) that it'd be put out this weekend, and technically I didn't fulfill is since it's like 12:17 am Monday. Nevertheless, I'm sorry if this chapter feels forced. The last thing I want to do is put out mediocre work. Goodnight

My nerd (Izuku x fem Bakugo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora