Chapter 35: Tom, My Riddle

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One month later:

Ron Wesley stared at them looking more incredulous by the second, "You-know-who and Harry Potter?"

The red head did the most logical thing possible, he left the kitchen, and came back instantly. He kept on repeating his strange behaviour over and over again, until he gave up.

"You're really here." He breathlessly said with wide eyes.

Harry smiled heartedly, "Hermione Granger, I suppose your girlfriend, told us to wait here."

"You know Hermie?"

Tom wasn't impressed with the read heads strange conduct and said with a drawled voice, "I wouldn't say that. More like Harry and Miss Granger spent the entire day together talking about-"

"S.P.E.W." Harry announced excitedly.

"Oh no..." Dread came over Ron's face and he rubbed his temples miserably, already feeling a headache coming up. His girlfriend had finally given up with her project of saving house elves, that didn't want to be saved, and then she runs into Harry Potter... Who also is interested in the subject?

What are the odds...

"What does it stand for?" Lord Voldemort asked.

Ron scratched his neck trying to remember, "Ehm..."

"Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare." Harry declared with passion.

"Right..." Tom nodded, trying to fake some interest in the subject. He took a sip of his tea and smiled awkwardly to Ron Weasley.

The boy stared back, clearly finding them distrustful, "But you're Lord V- V- Voldemort and apparently you've been living with him your entire life..." He pointed at Harry, "Why would you two be interested in the rights of elves?"

Harry giggled, "Actually Tom isn't interested at all. He's just pretending for my sake."

"You noticed?" Tom said, extremely shocked.

Harry smirked, "You're a horrible actor. It's obvious when you're not excited, but thanks for trying. It's cute." He landed a soft kiss on Tom's cheek.

Ron couldn't believe that the vicious man he was told horror stories about, was sitting in his kitchen, sipping tea and blushing from being complimented. Cute? Lord Voldemort was cute?

My entire life have been a lie, he muttered to himself.

At that moment Hermione came through the fireplace in the living room, excitedly screaming, "I'm back!"

She was covered in soot and her bushy hair was everywhere. Entering the kitchen she smiled, "Oh you're awake Ronnie."

"Yeah, thanks for not waking me up, when we've got the most famous wizards in the world, visiting our home." His sarcasm was dripping and Harry couldn't help it when he laughed.

Hermione chuckled and winked, "It's because you're so grumpy when you wake up."

Ron's face started getting red like his hair from embarrassment.

"Anyway, I found the books!"

"That's great Hermione!" Harry was almost jumping up and down on his chair. "Does that mean..."

"Yes." A wicked smile covered her face and Harry looked eerily similar.


Ron nervously swallowed, "What's going on?"

"We're starting a news paper."

"What?" Both Voldemort and Ron asked at the same time.

"What about the baby? Stress isn't good you know..." Tom asked worriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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