There was nothing amazing about it, I mean it's a white corridor with some rooms to the side.

I take a step forward and then stop quickly. This really isn't a good idea, my conscience tries to remind me and just as I chicken out and change my mind and turn to head back into my room I hear a 'woah.'

I turn to look back and standing behind me are two little kids. A little girl with curly blonde hair tied up into pigtails and an older boy with spiky brown hair.

"I told you Em," whispered the boy, tilting his head closer to the little girl. "I knew there was a human in the house."

I don't think they realised I could hear them.

"Uh, hi?" I said, lifting my hands to wave.

Both kids looked at me with wide eyes, watching me as if they had never seen a human before.
They don't say anything to me but quickly turn around and start whispering to each other in hushed voices, still not realising I could hear everything they were saying.

"Danny, Daddy says we aren't allowed to speak to humans." The little girl, Em I believe her names is, whispers.

"No you idiot," the boy scolds, "Daddy said we aren't allowed to play with humans, because we are stronger than them and you know we could hurt them."

Both the children turned their heads slowly back to look at me and realising I was still watching them, they quickly turned their heads back again.

"What should we do?" Em says to Danny.

At this point, I was finding this highly amusing.

Danny thinks for a few moments and then turns to Em. "I have an idea," he whispers. Em nods her head quickly. "What is it?" she asks.

I lean forward, truly intrigued to see what his plan would be.

Danny faces Em and grabs her by the shoulders and crouches down slightly so he can look into her eyes and then in a burdened voice he says, "I think we should kill her."

Wait what!

My mouth falls open and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I mean laugh because these two little kids, probably no older than six want to try and kill me, and then cry because well they are freaking werewolf kids so yeah they could most likely take me on and yes probably could kill me.

I try to think logically. I mean I am a little bit taller than them, so I guess I do have the height advantage but then you know I am human and on top of that I am a pretty weak human so...

"Hi guys," I start deciding that maybe talking to them would be a better idea, "my name's Eve."

I wonder whether I should place my hands up in surrender, when the kids take a step forward, forcing me to take a step back.

Oh god, this is not how I thought I would die.

Suddenly, like a sound from the Gods themselves a woman calls out, "Emma, Danny!!"

I don't know who the woman is, or what she looks like but at that moment all I want to do is get on the ground and praise her, because hearing her call, both kids exchange glances, look at me for a final time and then sprint off down the corridor, leaving me with wide eyes and a pale face as I back up against the door.

Have you got no dignity? my conscience questions as I straighten myself out and breathe out a deep sigh, not even realising I had been holding my breath.

That was so embarrassing, I think. Where the hell was the confidence you had in the forest when you threatened Alpha Stone, huh? I roll my eyes at my own thoughts. That confidence is the exact reason I am in this current situation, I argue with myself.

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