~Chapter 30~

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I sat in the great hall, waiting for Draco to come.

"I wonder why Draco has been late all the time now?" Alex asked

"Hmm, same" I said through a mouthful of food

Just then Draco came in the great hall

"There he is" Zabini pointed

Just as I was about to call about to him, he froze, I followed his gaze and saw Potter, talking to Katie Bell.

"It was Malfoy who cursed you" I heard Potter say just before Draco went the other way, without thinking, I jumped up and ran after Draco.

"Draco, Draco!" I called but he didn't hear me

He ran into the toilets but I still followed there, he took off his vest and cried. The sound of Draco crying broke my heart so I ran up and gave him a hug.

"It's fine, don't worry" I tried to calm him down but still he kept crying

"It was you who cursed Katie Bell, wasn't it?" Someone behind me asked, it was Potter. Draco didn't say anything, he just sent a spell at Potter which Potter returned.

It was chaotic, spells were flying everywhere and I kept on having to dodge them.


Time seemed to slow down as I got blasted away and Draco got hit

"no" I called but it was too late, Draco was hurt, he was laying on the ground with blood blossoming on his robes. I also lay on the floor, hurt with the side blast but I had ro get up, I had to get up to help Draco who was more hurt than me.

"Go away Potter" I screamed "and don't expect for me to be friends with you"

Potter ran away and I looked down at Draco who's blood was spreading all over the floor, that's when I fainted.


Dejà vu, it was an interesting thing I thought as I lay in the hospital wing, I couldn't remember a single thing that happened after I fainted for obvious reasons but now, I'm laying here in the hospital wing with Draco on my right.

"Ugh" I heard Draco moan beside me, I turn around to see him covered with cuts on his face and I bet, the rest of his him was too.

"You look terrible Scarlett" Draco laughed I felt a cut on my face and I could feel scratches on myself.

"Yeah, I do" I laughed as I thiught bavk to first year,

First year

I can't remember much, but I know Crabbe and Goyle had grabbed me again and I kicked them, then I turned around and Draco
punched me hard in the face... my vision started to go blurry before I fell and the world went black...

Now I'm in the hospital wing, my face is sore but I can see again. To my right is Draco, I can't see his face but I bet he's bruised, the thought makes me laugh. I hear a groan beside me, oh no. I slowly turned to see a face which I don't know if it was handsome or ugly.

Draco's left eye was swollen and his lip was bleeding his normally perfect hair is now like a bush. I laughed even more.

Draco's face flushed a bit and he tried to smooth his hair down "what" he snarled "you look worse". It was true I did look worse, I had a blood nose and a lot of scratches.

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