4- Detention

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I could have been feeling a lot better if it wasn't for detention. My face had been fixed but my moods were still down. I walked out with Draco and an old man to Hagrid's hut where Hagrid, Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting.

People called Harry, Ron and Hermione the Golden Trio now, I still had no idea how Hermione became part of it. Ron had said 'she's a nightmare, honestly' and here they were as best friends. I had asked a girl why I wasn't part of the of the Golden trio and she said "Slytherins can't be golden" wow thanks girl. I was pretty jealous when I couldn't be part of their group because I was a Slytherin.

I was surprised to see the Golden Trio there though, It didn't seem like they would ever get in trouble. "Harry?" I asked, so apparently Draco had caught them out of bed which means he had been out of bed too, so Draco has more than one reason to be in detention tonight.

Hagrid put us into groups, Hermione and Hagrid are together, Harry and Ron are a pair and I am with Draco. Hagrid talked about doing something but I wasn't paying attention. I was with Draco, is this good or bad? After Hagrid gave us instructions, which I didn't hear again, we started to go look for something.

Draco and I was alone. I was about to ask him what we were doing when he said "wait till my father hears about this, this is servant stuff"

"Your father hears about everything Draco" I retorted.

"Does not" he said angrily

"Does too" I said

"Does not"

"Does too"

"Does not"

"Does too"

"Does too" Draco said then realziing what he said looked down.

I gave him a look of triumph

"Are you always this childish?" He asked me.

Oh dang it Draco now the impression that I'm a kid.

Just then we heard a noise, "what's that?" Draco asked, scared.

Then a hooded creature came out behind the bushes. We both screamed and ran.
We ran until we couldn't run anymore. Looking back to see if the creature was gone, Draco and I collapsed onto the grass. We were panting hard and I started to wonder why Hogwarts didn't have those muggle subjects like physical education.

When I caught my breath, I looked around. "Where are we?" I asked Draco.

"The other side of the forbidden forest" he answered, that was the first time he had talked to me sensibly.

"I guess I do tell my father most things" Draco said, I looked at him.
"I guess we both are childish screaming like that" he said.

"Yeah" I said then I realized "are you apologizing?".

Draco shrugged "I guess I mean like..."

We looked at each other for a while and somehow we started talking. Draco told me about how useless Crabbe and Goyle was and I told him about how much attention Harry was getting and I even admitted that I was jealous, I didn't realize it until I said it out loud.

Draco then looked at me with this serious look and then he confessed everything about being him.

"I mean like... it's really lonely you know... being Draco Malfoy... My father always expects me to be perfect and he's not really the person you would talk with, and there's Crabbe and Goyle two lunks who wouldn't know one end of a broomstick from the other. I envy those with friendship more than anything, when I look at the Golden Trio I see them having fun but you..."

He looked at me. "You seem to just be hanging around them not with them".

It was true I never had much fun with the golden trio. People would look at me in a nasty way.

Just then we heard Hagrid's voice calling us, breaking the moment. "Malfoy, May" he called.

Me and Draco looked at each other then ran to the voice.

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