16~ Change

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After arriving at the Jungs' home, I didn't stay very long. As much as I really wanted to stay and escape my reality, I knew I couldn't.
Hoseok and his family showered me with love and words of encouragement, telling me that I could get through this, even though it didn't feel like I could.

I guess the truth is, I'm scared.

Scared that what happened before will happen again and I'll have to face the pain of heartbreak once more.

Even though I'm trying not to think like that, it's hard.

So here I am sitting in my car on my way to Kim Seokjin's house. Panicking.

I'm almost there and the closer I get, the more I can't feel my arms-which is bad because I need them to drive.

20 minutes later I'm pulling into the driveway.

I decide to sit in the car for a few minutes calming down and contemplating, before going to the door.

After what felt like an eternity, I get out, and go up to the front door.

I ring the doorbell and wait, until I hear a bit of shuffling inside before the door opens.

The wind is almost knocked out of me as I take him in. Beautifully disheveled hair, plump rosy lips, stars for eyes. Donned in nothing but navy blue sweats and a plain black shirt.

God... He always does this to me.

"Hi" he smiles.

"Hi" I smile.

"Come in" he opens the door wider for me.

I step inside walking towards the living room and he quickly follows. I couldn't even sit. I was too jittery.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

I shake my head declining.

"Okay" he nods.

"Well-" I start off saying but he interrupts.

"Before you say anything, you should know that I'm one hundred percent prepared to fight for you if you turn me down. I won't give up so easily again"

I laugh lightly at him. He's so cute.

"Is that it? Are you done?" I quip.

"Yes... go ahead" he puts his hands into his pockets and I notice him gulp as the movement of his Adam's apple distracts me for a moment.

Impulsively, I walk up to him, pulling his hands out of his pockets and I take them into mine before tiptoeing to kiss him.

When I pull away, his face is priceless. I giggle and my forehead falls to his chest.

"I love you" I look at him again. "It took me a long time to move on. I'm still working on it. I don't know when or if I'll fully recover but I'm ready to try again. I want us to be a family again. I promise I'll work on my flaws and be a better wife"

His expression is unreadable. A mixture of confusion and disbelief. "Wife...?"

"Yes. Remarry me Jin. It won't feel complete if we're not married"

"Oh Y/n... When I said to get back together I wasn't thinking that far... To remarry"

My heart sinks and I frown. "What?"

"I'm kidding... Gotch'ya" a sinister smile grows on his lips.

"Wha- Jin that's not funny!" I push against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist" he cackles, quite amused.

"You know what? I'm taking back everything I just said"

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