Waiting and explanation

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Sams pov:
I honestly am relieved that I got to the car before G could drive away. If not they would of definitely had an accident, I am completely sure about that! Let's be honest they both were still standing under shock! It is reasonable! I mean they just stood up against one of their former nightmares! When I got there Eric was only seconds away on going into that room to shoot Mister Kalkum. G's voice also spoke volume to me when I heard him repeat that he should let her go! I knew that if i don't interfere right away, that he would put a bullet into that guy without even thinking about it!
Now i drive after the ambulance with those two glued together in my backseat. G is trying hard to look calm but he looks like a mess if you pay closer attention or know him as good as I do. Eric isn't hiding the fact that he is an emotional wrack with the tears running down his cheeks! Both are holding onto each other like their life depends on it! The drive was a short one, still it felt like it was going on endlessly. I haven't even parked properly as the two sprint out of my car. Quickly I hurried after them, not knowing what else to do to be honest. When I finally catched-up to them, the nurse was informing them that she couldn't get them any information. But those two quickly explained that they are her fiancé and her brother, therefore they are family and also her emergency contacts. After that explanation, she still only could tell them that a doctor is currently examining her. She also told them to take a seat and that she will inform them as soon as the doctor finishes up with the examination and she gets some details about her condition. Slowly the two of them nod and go to the little waiting area where our whole team was already waiting. They however took a seat a bit away from the rest of the team. Strange! Maybe they want to be left alone right now? Or they don't want to tell us what was going on? Not knowing what else to do, I took a seat next to G, however with one seat empty between us. G only send me a small thankful smile before getting back to whispering with Eric. I again go through the whole scenario in my head. One sentence stuck to me the most. G had told the paramedics that her former rapist got to her again. He didn't say her former sexual abuser. No! He said rapist, and I know for a fact that G wouldn't say something like that if it wasn't true. He also said it with so much self-hatred, as if he makes himself responsible for the fact that guy got to her again. Which lets me think that he indeed is her fiancé and didn't just say it to get some information. But if he indeed is engaged, then why hasn't he ever told me, or any of us? I mean we are partners! We talk about everything, at least that's what I was thinking. However, he also kept his relationship with Eric a secret. But why that whole act? A sigh left my lips with all those unanswered questions in my head. Suddenly a really funny looking guy ran into the waiting room, shouting for G and Eric. G immediately stands up and the guy came over quickly. He looks completely out of place with his dirty apron on and wild blond hair. However G definitely seems to know him pretty good, at least it looks like it. G made sure to make him take a seat, my guess is because he looks like a damsel in distress with his floppy arms and pale face. Patric is his name, that was pretty much the only thing new I heard. Well his name and that he has to write the others how Iz is doing. Again the waiting room got quiet but not for long since the doctor shouts for the family of Miss Rose. Of course G and Eric ran up to him before getting lead into the examination room and therefore out of sight.
„So, who are you?" Hetty questions Patric next to me. No idea how she got in front of him that quickly.
„I am Patric, one of the workers in Iz bakery. You guys are Callen's and Eric's colleagues, right?" he asks us excitedly. You could however still see the worry in his eyes for his boss!?
„That we are indeed." Hetty answers him with a small frown.
„How bad is she hurt? Do you guys know anything?" he asks us with furrowed brows and worried eyes.
„She really didn't deserve whatever happened to her, she is such a sweetheart!" he adds with a sad sigh.
„She didn't look that good. We however also don't know what the doctor has found." I answer him. He really looks sorrowful, so he must honestly care for Iz. My guess is that, that's the reason G and Eric let him stay. Maybe he is a close friend to Iz? At least he acts like it. His phone starts to ring and he apologizes before answering it.
„No, I still am in the waiting room. Callen and Eric only got called to the doctor a minute ago, hopefully they come back out to inform us how Iz is!..........I don't know Anna. I am sure she would appreciate it but I don't think closing the bakery would be what she would want us to do........Yeah, I understand.........Alright, see you in a few then." he says and turns back around to us.
„Sorry but the whole team is a bit on edge right now. Iz always has our backs so we all want to be here for her as well." he explains with a soft smile towards us.
After we waited for at least another 30 minutes, I had enough of waiting.
„I am going to call G." I tell them before stepping outside of the hospital for some privacy.
„Hey Sam." he answers to my surprise after the second ring.
„Hey. How is your fiancé? We still are waiting down here for some information." I tell him, really trying to hold back on my annoyance of being held in the dark for so long.
„fuck! I totally forgot to tell you! Sam I am really sorry! I get down right away!" he says before ending the call without saying anything else. He sounded sincere as he said he forgot, and after that day I guess it's understandable. I also think that Eric and G needed some time alone with Iz. Taking another deep breath before going back towards the rest of us still waiting. Just then the elevator dinged and G stands there with an apologizing look in his eyes.
„Sorry guys, I totally forgot to tell the nurses to get you upstairs and honestly even that you were waiting down here." he apologizes to all of us.
„So if you would like to, you could come upstairs with me. I would like for you to meet my fiancé and Eric's baby sister." he adds with a shy smile.
„That would be lovely Mister Callen, I however would like to know why you kept your relationship with mister Beale a secret for so long before going upstairs. As well as the fact that you have a fiancé that none of us knows?" Hetty answers him with a raised eyebrow. She honestly looks like a mother who wants answers from a misbehaving child. G sighs lowly before asking Patric to go upstairs by himself while he talked to us real quick.
„How much do you know already?" G asks into the round after the elevator has closed behind Patric.
„We know that Eric, you and Izabel where in the same children's home. We also know that Mister Kalkum had sexually harassed Izabel and got into prison for 6 years because of it. That's pretty much it." I answer him making sure to make eye contact at the mention of the sexual harassment so he would know that the rest doesn't know that he actually raped her. He nods once at me in thanks before taking a deep breath.
„We got put into a foster home together afterwards, the foster dad was abusive so the three of us ran away together. We lived on the streets for 3 years before another social worker found us again." he tells us with a small smile at the mention of those 3 years they lived on the streets. How bad were those foster homes that he would look so happy about living on the streets for so long!? Especially at such a young age!
„This Time we got split up, but we kept running away since we wanted to stay together." he smirks into space.
„After they realized that, we were allowed to stay in contact and also got to meet each other every week. It still was hard, but at least they had a roof over their heads and where safe." he says and I immediately realized that he wasn't talking about himself. Which means he stayed in a bad home just to make sure he still was able to see them. God, my heart really went out for a younger G at that realization alone! He quickly cleared his throat before going on.
„As soon as I aged out of the system, I joined the NAVY to earn some money. And with the money I got, I bought a small apartment where the two moved into as soon as they turned 18 as well." he ends with a clap of his hands.
„So everybody ready to meet my family?" he asks and presses the button for the elevator.

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