Chapter 19: Home At Last

Start from the beginning

"Sounds good to me... There is a possibility that it is contaminated. Not that that is an issue for us, but I still prefer to keep it off my clothes so it doesn't hurt others."

I entered my code to open the upper door of my house. I gestured for Georgia to enter and followed her in. It was pitch dark inside for the first few meters until I reached my upper level control system and I could turn on the lights. When I managed to turn on the lights Georgia gasped at the sheer size of the place.

"All this space is yours?" She whispered explaining her initial awe at my space. This made sense since although she had seen spaces so large and larger before they were owned by large groups of people, whereas I had my space all to myself.

"Yeah, but no one else ever comes down here who could possibly live in it anyway." I smiled. "You and I are among the very few that could survive the toxicity of this place without endangering our lives. It will likely fill up if we do end up managing to convert the other mutants. There is only a small amount of space that can be reasonably used for private living space."

"In what respect?" Georgia asked surprised "There is all this space you could use?"

I shrugged "There are a few offices for private space, but I have only rigged up one bathroom to my systems for energy preservation and the fact I never expected to have visitors. I run all of this with a solar power system and the occasional backup from wind turbines so I previously only hooked it up for a capacity of one person. If we want to hook this place up for more permanent residence we will have to add some more solar panels, batteries, and such to provide the energy to run tech and such for more extended periods of time. Not to mention I will need to hook up more water barrels to create more plumbing. We really have our work cut out for us. It will be good to get more people soon so we can have a hand in making the modifications while you and I work on the search."

"Yeah, but you already said you had some leads, so maybe we could rapidly find another. As far as these leads go what do you have?" Georgia inquired curiously

I waved my hand to dismiss the idea, "Not right now, that would lead to a large discussion and you need to get settled into a room and I have to finalize and double check all of my systems for the ship we are going to use tomorrow. I was working on a cloaking device for it and wanted to check it's accuracy. If you want to help me check the systems with your ability it would be much appreciated."

"Can do, as long as you help me move in." Georgia replied promptly with a smile

"Of course I would, it's just you would need to orient yourself to this place because it is big and kind of maze like. Good thing is that I made a hand-held map device you can use. Here." I tossed a small device at her "You press the small central disk to turn it on"

Upon turning it on it projected a small flat map that oriented based on a signal given off by four devices in the walls of the house. When she turned the map turned with her to keep it oriented with the floor plan of the old warehouse. I had not bothered to move any of the old shelves which contained the wares this place used to sell so it could be quite a maze to figure out.

"Come with me and we can go to the room you will be staying in. I am going to put you next to me so that you are near the bathroom."


After getting Georgia settled in and showing her around she offered to help me with my ship. I showed her the way to my hangar and the ship that we would be working on. Now this ship was going to be my personal ship. I had practically designed it from scratch with the help of a metal worker. Everything from the engine to the body plating was custom built. It was expensive but worthwhile. Especially when it was mainly paid for by a bet someone placed against me and then couldn't actually pay when he lost. Seeing it reminded me of the incident.

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